
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sweater Project, Week 3

Although I thought that by now I might've been slowing down in my spinning, I seem to be keeping a pretty good pace. Here you see my status as of this morning -- a total of 17 ounces spun. This afternoon, while Rainbow took a nice long nap, I caught up on some old podcasts and finished spinning ounce number 18. That means I'm keeping a pace of about 6 ounces a week, or a little less than an ounce a day. If I can keep it up, I should have all the singles spun in two more weeks.

Plying should take me less time by a significant amount -- I'm hoping I can ply a skein a day -- and then I'll have to pick out my sweater pattern. Dare I say it might be possible to have my sweater done by Maryland Sheep & Wool?


  1. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you actually get to wear it at MDSW!

  2. This is just amazing. I can't even imagine how fulfilling it would feel to spin AND knit your own sweater. I am so excited to watch the process!

  3. Your making me want to get out my wheel and spin

    Not sure what I'm wearing to maryland yet. I am looking forward to it...good thing I only live an hour and a half away from it....Your on the other side of Pa so I guess you can't make a day trip like me :(

    Maybe this year i'll go on Sunday too

  4. You are so organised... And I think the sweater might make MD S&W!

  5. What a great plan - I can't wait to see this yarn and sweater!

  6. Anonymous8:34 AM

    You can do it! And if you're coming to MS&W, I'd love to finally meet you in person! And see the sweater...hopefully this year it won't be as scorching hot as it was last year. The year before that it was kind of chilly. I wish the weather would make up its mind.

  7. Very impressive. Looking great so far!

  8. Anonymous10:17 AM

    PRETTY yarn! What a great way to keep track of how many skeins you have spun.


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