
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thoughts on Blogging

I've been thinking a lot lately about blogging and what it's become for me. I started this blog about five and a half years ago, just when I was getting serious about knitting and just when I was first discovering all the online resources that were out there. Because of the blog (and, more generally, due to my discovery of the fact that there were such things as knitting blogs), I've made good friends online and in real life. I've truly developed into a Knitter-with-a-capital-K and become a spinner as well. I've even started doing some designing.

The blog started out as an outlet for me when I was between jobs and alone much of the day. I'd always kept diaries and journals, so this was yet another way for me to think things through and record my thoughts, though in this case they were specific to crafting. Then it became a way for me to keep track of projects -- what yarn I'd used, what adjustments I'd made, what problems I'd encountered and how I'd solved them. Finally, it became a way for me to connect with other knitters, both those I knew in real life and those I only knew in the virtual world.

Obviously, once Rainbow was born, my time to blog shrank dramatically. Still, I knew (or at least hoped!) there were people still reading, so I tried to post regularly, albeit with some reduced frequency. Lately I've been aiming for two posts a week, which has been pretty doable. I've tried not to let spinning take over the blog because this was, after all, started as a knitting blog. But I've also struggled because there are times when I'm just not doing much knitting and I don't feel like I have much to say.

I think it's also important to note that the blog started in the days before Ravelry. At the time, it was great for me to have a place to document all the stages and details of a project, but now that I can do that in my Ravelry notebook, the blog starts to seem a little redundant. That said, I do still like the writing aspect of a blog post; I suppose I could write copious notes in the relevant section of my project page, but hitting "Save" doesn't seem to give me quite the same sense of satisfaction as does hitting "Publish Post."

I guess where all this is going is that I'd love to get your feedback, dear readers (if, in fact, there are any of you left!), on where this blog is heading. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a bit of a comment "hoar," as they say on Ravelry, and I've notice that for the past month or so, there have been very few comments on my posts. I know that I read a lot of blogs and don't always post, so I'm sure some of you are still reading, but it would be nice to know for sure! If you're reading but not commenting, I'd love to know why. Are you too busy? Not interested in what I have to post? Something else entirely? If I do decide to keep this blog up and running, I would like it to be useful, and one of the most useful things I've found about it is the dialogue it has started with readers.

In the interest of doing some market research, I've put up a poll in the sidebar. It'll be up for the next week. Please feel free to leave a comment as well! (Oh, and you'll also notice that I changed the layout again. Seems I was still in the dark ages of Blogger and wasn't using all the tools available because I hadn't upgraded my template.)


  1. I like it all! I love watching you grow as a spinner, and I'm always interested in your knitting projects. You have one of the more technical blogs I read, and I always feel like I learn something.

    I say: don't give up the blog. Who cares if you don't blog regularly? I sure don't. Enough people have blog readers that let them know when a new post is up, so don't worry about losing audience just because you don't post on a regular schedule. Also, I'm lazy and don't always comment, but I always read.

  2. I read you. Every time you post. I'm too lazy to comment. In fact I'm pretty much too lazy to comment on anyone's blog..sorry :( I voted on everything because I like your spinning. I haven't dug out my wheel in awhile..again, laziness & it's too nice out to sit still. I have been knitting some and I love your knitting too...and your little one is a cutie. Hope this helps

  3. Well, all I can say is that I look forward to your posts. Reading about other people and how they fit their knitting and spinning into their lives helps me find balance in my own love of fibre. I would hate for you to stop blogging. Why do I rarely comment? I guess I enjoy spectatorship. At the end of a long day I feel a little passive and not very interactive, but don't think that your blog isn't appreciated and enjoyed. It is! (And I feel like we've watched you get married, move, have a baby etc. You're almost family!)

  4. I read, but I am just a blog stalker who doesn't often post on anyone's blog unless it is something that really catches my interest. (Which is not to say that you're not interesting. I'm still reading, after all!)
    I suppose I am more someone who if I don't have something interesting to add to the conversation, chooses to say nothing.

  5. I have to say I read all the blogs I follow just sometimes I don't take the time to bad.. I am sorry..I love reading about peoples knitting and crocheting and love love love to read about spinning even though its something I will never do. But love to see all this fuzzy stuff all of a sudden turn into beautiful lovely colored yarn that I could buy if I had the money and make something with it...anyhow i love to read it all , yarn, projects,kids recipes or venting about something... Hugs Birgit

  6. you should do what feels best to you, of course! i love seeing your projects, and yours is among the VERY rare spinning stuff that i like seeing, i think because you get results that i really love (no offense to other spinners). but i read your blog in my google reader, where i read hundreds of blogs and twitter feeds every day, so i rarely comment. but i do read--i promise!

  7. I read too! I try to comment as much as I can (because I love comments too!) but it's hard when I'm trying to fit it in between everything... but I love love reading your blog. You give me inspiration that someday I can too become a blogger again!!! When Baby J finally either goes to daycare or we get a nanny...

  8. I am horrible at commenting (and keeping up on posting on my own blog, for that matter). However, I LOVE your blog, I read every post and I especially enjoy your posts and pics of your handspun yarns. I go through phases of trying to comment on blogs more sometimes. Maybe one of those times is starting with this comment!

  9. I'm a relatively new follower and so I havent really commented because it feels weird commenting when you dont know me etc. but I love following your creations and generally love anything knit and feed off your creativity from afar (Tasmania, Australia)

  10. I am always reading but have become a terrible, lousy commenter. :(

  11. Please, please, please continue to blog. I too realize that there are fewer bloggers out there now that Ravelry is here, but in my heart I think they each serve their own purpose. It is, as you say, a perfect place to document your project for your own records, it's a perfect place to see what others have done with a particular pattern, or a particular yarn, etc. but I don't think it's as conducive to sharing personal notes about what you're working on with others. Also, as all good internet database sites such as Ravelry (or photo storing sites), they could eventually run out of space, or sell it, or just quit altogether and then all that information that you have stored in Ravelry and rely on, will be gone. So if I can give any advice at all it is to document your projects in another location as well. On your own computer or in a written Notebook.
    Getting off my soapbox now......I hope you continue to blog even if it's sporadic. You still have some faithful readers. :-)

  12. Hi!
    I'm also a fairly new reader, I discovered your blog only a few weeks ago and I really enjoy it. As I haven't had time to thoroughly work my way to the earlier posts yet, I mainly see you as a spinner :)
    Please don't put too much pressure on yourself about the regularity of posting! and please keep blogging!

  13. I hope you keep blogging and including your spinning. I find great inspiration in reading about what other people are working on and how it fits in their lives. It fills a hole when I can't or don't knit or spin or sew or play and inspires me to do more. I also find it's a great way to find out what's new out there. Thanks for all you share!

  14. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I enjoy reading your blog. As a spindle spinner I am always interested in seeing what those with wheels can do. I've never been much of a commenter.

  15. I am more of a lurker. I enjoy your blog and think it should move in the direction you are. If there is more spinning then so be it . . .I happen to enjoy the spinning so I most definitely don't mind. :)

  16. Julia9:14 PM

    I'm a regular reader and really enjoy your blog, but like so many others I don't take the time to comment--partly because I read widely and can't comment on blogs as often as I'd like. I realize how selfish this is and how much more difficult it must make it for you. (I teach an online class which feels sort of the same way: I'm talking, is anyone listening?) As for the content, I voted for the knitting and spinning and love them both, but I have nothing against seeing cute toddler pictures too! (But I have to admit they aren't what keeps this in my list of regular reading.)

    Anyway, I hope you know better now how much you're valued!! keep up the wonderful work and thanks for all you do!

  17. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I'd like to see you keep blogging. I like coming to read your blog. I lurk to see your new spinning and knitting projects but I don't usually comment because I don't actually know you in person and sometimes people are weird about that. Keep doing what you are doing! I'm enjoying spinning vicariously though you.

  18. I love reading about your projects and have learned a lot from your mods. I'm not as much into spinning, but I like reading your posts about it. The thing is, I read your blog from my Reader, which makes it inconvenient to comment. Plus...I'm just naturally a lurker.

    If there's one thing I'd love to hear more about, it's your life outside of knitting/spinning. I love reading about Pittsburgh, as I used to live there. And I love reading about the experiences of other moms, especially how you balance your time with Rainbow and crafting.

    There's a lot we'd all be interested in, but I'm sure you have to balance that against your own privacy.

  19. TheNeedleBeetle7:12 PM

    I love reading your blog--I think it's so classy and I love what you knit. Believe me when I say that it's nothing against you when I don't comment. I don't comment on many blogs, mainly because I am too lazy. =) It's nothing personal at all.

    I would love to see you either design or knit some more lace shawls. I have loved what you have done so far, and would love to see more! I'm a lace-type-person, so I would love to see what you knit and/or design.

    I will do my best to comment more often . . . I know how discouraging it can be not to have a response, and it wasn't considerate of me to forget/be lazy. Thank you so much for your blog!

  20. 19 comments, huh? Guess you found your readers!

    I enjoy my blog, but never seem to make time to feed it. I also enjoy reading YOUR blog, I'm just epically behind on my blog reading. I feel badly about that, but it's the pit my life has fallen in. Keep blogging!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment! I try to reply to all comments if I can, but I can only do that if I have your email address. If yours isn't associated with your Blogger account and you'd like me to respond to your comments, please send me an email so I have it!