
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Inch by Inch

I spent a lot of time spinning over the weekend, but I still gave my knitting projects some attention as well, so they are making slow but steady progress.

On Saturday morning, we went to get our taxes done. Fortunately, this isn't too painful an event for us, but it does mean a bit of a drive to the tax preparer's office and then about an hour sitting with her as she goes over all our documents. I took along my rainbow cowl to work on, as it doesn't require a pattern or much thinking. As a result of that time, plus a bit of attention on Sunday night and lunchtime knitting yesterday and today, I'm now into the blue section. There's only purple to go after that, so I'm just about at the end. If I keep up the pace, I should finish it right about the time when it officially becomes spring.

This flash-free evening photo brought to you by Daylight Savings Time 

My Zephyr, meanwhile, got some face time on Saturday afternoon during my weekly trip to my LYS. I managed to get just about back to where I was before I had to rip, and then last night I got through the two sections beyond that point. I'm now ready to split off for the sleeves, so things should get a little less complicated (and less prone to stupid errors) from this point on. I have now memorized the pattern on the front bands, so it's really just a matter of paying attention to some shaping on the body and keeping track of my rows.

I seriously doubt that I'll need to wear this sweater when it's done, but it will be nice to start the cold season next year with at least one new sweater. My plan is to cast on for my Cabletta cardigan with the Miss Babs Yowza I bought at MDSW last year when I'm done with this sweater; it very well may come with me to MDSW this year. Again, this is an instance where I certainly won't need to finish it up quickly to wear it, but it will be nice to put away and to clear that yarn out of my stash (particularly as it's been sitting in a bag in my bedroom mocking me ever since I bought it!).

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