
Thursday, November 01, 2018

New Month, New Project

In an effort to try to keep my life as "normal" as possible (though really, I'm not quite sure what qualifies as normal anymore), I started swatching for a new project last night. Someone reminded me that November is NaKniSweMo -- National Knit a Sweater Month -- and as I have a sweater to knit for the Mister, it seemed quite appropriate. Unfortunately I didn't get the entire swatch knit up last night, as it was a late night due to trick-or-treating and a Halloween party at my brother's house; I didn't sit down with yarn and needles until sometime after 9, and 10 p.m. is bedtime. Still, I've made a start and will finish tonight.

The color here is way off thanks to the extremely dark morning we're having. The yarn is Knit Picks Swish Worsted in the colorway Squirrel Heather; as you can see from the photo shown on the KP site, it's much lighter in reality:

I haven't even attempted to measure gauge yet, but I'm getting a really nice-looking fabric. Based on my experience with yarn this weight and the needle size I'm using, I should be very close. I will finish and block my swatch tonight and, with any luck, cast on officially this weekend.

This weekend we'll attempt to have a normal weekend -- Rainbow has a birthday party on Saturday afternoon and her usual Sunday School activities (they were cancelled last week). But we're also planning to attend Shabbat services, something we don't normally do without a reason. All the Jewish Federations of North America are calling it Solidarity Shabbat and encouraging people to attend to show their support for the Pittsburgh community. That link will help you to find a service near you if you'd like to attend one, and as was the case last Saturday, doors will be open and congregations will be welcoming anyone who wants to come in.


  1. That is a lovely swatch, so I wish you Happy Sweater Knitting!

  2. Excellent! And, I showed that pattern to Steve and he is thinking that sweater would be perfect for him! I did not get yarn ordered in time for NaKniSweMo... but this just might be the perfect December knit!

    And, I hope you know... you are all in my thoughts and prayers every day. Thank you for the Solidarity Shabat link... so very much!


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