
Thursday, February 06, 2020

Three Things I'm Looking Forward To*

It has been quite a week, but thankfully (not that I want to tempt fate) it seems to be calming down a bit. Last night I was able to enjoy that glass of wine I forgot to pour on Tuesday, and today I'm getting a little bonus time to myself. Rainbow has her annual check-up at the pediatrician this afternoon, so I took a half day off from work -- I'm actually writing this as I sit at the kitchen counter enjoying my lunch!

It's Thursday, and on Thursdays Carole invites to think in three, so today I'm talking about three things I'm looking forward to that should happen in the next few days.

1. A new hat for me.

I have just a few more rounds to work before I get to the crown shaping of my Neon, and it's a good thing, too, because we've had some gross damp weather here the past 24 hours or so and are due to get some snow tonight.

2. A completed colorwork yoke.

I have less than 10 rounds of colorwork to go on the yoke of my Darkwater, thanks to the past few evenings, and I've found that I've started trying to speed up my knitting a bit so I can get through the yoke before I run out of that first ball of my main color. I'm planning to alternate skeins once I'm only knitting with one color, and I really don't want to have to do that while I'm still in the two-color portion, so illogically I'm racing my yarn. I know I'm far from the only person who does this (just as surely as I know that knitting faster does not make the yarn last longer).

3. A new pair of socks to start.

I am totally ignoring the fact that I have zero room for more socks in my sock drawers and in fact already have socks that don't have a place to live by planning the next pair. Yesterday kicked off the second annual Lots of Socks KAL on Ravelry, and while I'm delighted to be participating as a designer again (more on that later in the month), I'm also going to jump in as a participant. This yarn is handspun Cheviot that came off my wheel in late summer 2018, and it's going to be turned into a pair of Louisette Socks. I'll be winding the yarn later today and casting on as soon as I finish up my hat. I even have a new pair of needles to try out! Ideally I'll get them started tomorrow, as I am signed up to donate blood tomorrow morning and will need to rest for a couple of days afterwards, meaning a perfect opportunity for sock knitting.

How about you? What are you looking forward to at the end of the week?

*I know that "they" say it's perfectly acceptable to end a sentence/phrase with a preposition now, but it still makes me twitchy. That said, "Three Things to Which I Am Looking Forward" doesn't have quite the same ring.


  1. I also knit faster to avoid running out of yarn! My brain knows that it doesn't help, but my fingers just speed up and tell my brain to be quiet before I run out at at inopportune time. Lovely new hat and socks-to-be!

  2. Still in love with your Darkwater. Knitting faster doesn't extend the length of the yarn? LOL I do that too.

  3. Ohhh, the Darkwater looks so beautiful! Your sock yarn does, too, and that is a lovely pattern! The hat is beautiful - I'm not much of a hat wearer somehow, but I SHOULD start probably (it has been too warm. That's the problem).
    Have an amazing weekend and good luck for the blood donation!! My best friend is coming to visit over the weekend, and a couple of friends are visiting on Saturday night, so we'll play some escape board games - it will be fun! :)

  4. No reason to stop knitting socks for yourself just because the sock drawer is full. I did that last year for the very same reason and at the beginning of winter I had two of my favorite pairs develop holes. So I wish I had not knit socks only for other people last year. (My approach to darning socks is borrowed from Yarn Harlot: when a sock gets a hole, I say "darn" and put it in the trash.)

  5. ooohhh, those are three VERY good things! I knit the second sleeve of the baby sweater super quick yesterday because the yarn I had left after the first one looked really tiny. It was more than enough (whew!) ... and I wish you same good fortune on your yoke!

  6. Three lovely projects. I say keep knitting socks - they do wear out once in awhile. The half of the drawer reserved for my hand-knit socks is also full but if I start another row of hand knit socks, I'll have to clean out the rest of the miscellaneous in the drawer. That is not a bad rationale. I think I'll stick to it.


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