
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Coming from Inside the Black Hole

From time to time I find myself in this position, where I feel like I'm working on my projects a lot and yet nothing seems to make any progress. It's the black hole of knitting -- a place I'm sure you've all visited from time to time. I'm in there right now with my current WIPs, which isn't ideal considering that time is running out for Stash Dash and I'm trying to hit 15K. Right now, I have a little more than 1,500 meters to go to get there, so I've really got to get a move on.

Over the past couple of days, I've been trying to focus on my hat design sample, because in addition to trying to get projects finished for Stash Dash, I'm also aware that my design output has suffered this year. Plus, out of all my current WIPs, it's the one that will be fastest to get done. It seemed to be taking forever, but I guess it has grown a bit since you last saw it.

I need to decide just how slouchy I want it to be and then figure out my crown decreases. I think I'm almost there; I just need to stay focused on it.

My sweater hasn't gotten any attention at all in the past several days, but once I'm finished with the hat, I'll get back on it. It has the benefit of being very simple knitting at this point, so it'll be easy to work on while reading or doing something else.

I did take a little break from fiber crafts yesterday afternoon and whipped up a couple more face masks, one to try out a new-to-me pattern and one using my go-to pattern for Rainbow.

I didn't try too hard, but I'm still pretty impressed by how well I got the plaid to work on hers! We ordered a bunch of fabric online over the weekend (mostly bundles of fat quarters from Jo-Ann) so we (well, I) can make her more masks. Her school is still on track for in-person instruction for the fall, so she'll need a bunch of masks in order to have at least a couple to use every day. When I talked last year about wanting to learn to sew, I never anticipated having to learn in order to make piles of face masks, but here we are.

I'll be back tomorrow with a reading update, and let's hope by the time I check in on the knitting projects again on Thursday, I'll have clawed my way out of this black hole!


  1. Black holes are famous for their gravity that sucks everything in, and I think that might include knitting time. Here's to clawing your way out!

  2. You may be in a black hole, but your knitting is lovely and that hat is just darn cheerful - so many colors!! Also, really like the fabrics for your masks - nice job!

  3. That mask is interesting. You’ll have to tell us how it fits. Your black hole is full of some great projects.

  4. I am VERY interested in the mask pattern you made for yourself. Finding a pattern that stays on the nose has been difficult. The one I've been using lately seems to do the job, but the pipe cleaners I use to give it stability almost always shift if they go into the washing machine, which means I have to repair them! No big deal of course, but I'm still very interested in this design!!

    Your hat looks awesome! I love those colors. You're going to find yourself out of your black hole soon because you keep working on your projects! That's the only way out, right?!

    I can't wait to see what you've been reading!

  5. That’s some fantastic sewing, I’d say! Well done aligning your plaid!! That reminds me of hanging wallpaper...getting it juuuust right. The green is a very cool design—and fabric! I imagine masks have been a good way to get comfy on the machine in short order. And I’m looking forward to seeing that colorful hat modeled!!


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