
Sunday, December 13, 2020

It's a Triumph

Sunday again? Time to talk about spinning!

I did indeed get a chance to give my wheel some attention later in the week, so I have a finished skein to share!

The colors are not quite as intense in real life, but the light at this time of year is dim enough that photo filters are necessary. In any case, this is approximately 278 yards of chain-plied organic merino that is overall in the neighborhood of sport weight. It's not my most consistent skein ever, in large part because I know I was more focused on getting it finished then in maintaining my consistency. But I'm pleased with it even so, because it turned out soft and bouncy and round. And of course there are these amazing colors.

I even think this skein goes well with the last one I spun:

The fiber was one of my earliest shipments from the Southern Cross Fibre club -- definitely in my first year (I think the very first shipment I received was for February 2015; this one was from August 2015). I'm really enjoying the little trip to the past I've been taking via deep stash. I've got another well-marinated bag of fiber on the wheel now, Bond in the colorway Esmerelda from September 2015:

When I finish this skein, I will officially finish all the fiber items on my 20 in 2020 list! Even though I've been on a chain-plying kick lately, I decided to do something a bit different with this skein because the colors are more uniform (shades of blue and green). I'm still spinning it end to end, but when I finish the singles, I'll wind them off the bobbin into a center-pull ball and ply from both ends for what I hope will be a fingering (or maybe sport) two ply.

And I already know what's going the wheel next:

This is my HipStrings Base12 spinalong kit, a fiber Advent calendar of sorts. The link shows the yarn version, and I have no idea if the fiber version is the same (I haven't peeked at all). The set included a die to roll in order to spin at random, but I think I'm just going to go in order and create a mash-up skein. It's been a couple of years since I last did this, so I'm looking forward to it!


  1. Those are great colors - in your current spin, your most recent skein, and the previous one. Can't wait to see what's in the fiber Advent calendar bags!

  2. Beautiful yarn, Sarah! I love seeing what you've spun up. :-)

  3. Ooo! That spin looks intriguing! I am sad I missed that! But Happy Monday!

  4. I love seeing your Advent yarn 'before' pic--as in, before you open them. What a FUN thing. I really love the dark pop in today's yarn. .A dark pop--in anything--always grabs my eye. Hope you have a great week ahead!

    1. At the time I ordered them, I felt a little guilty about buying more yarn and fiber, but I'm so glad I did now. A little bit of joy in my day makes such a difference!

  5. i am adding a note to my new planner to look into an Advent yarn club next year. Thanks for the inspiration

  6. The colours are SO GORGEOUS!!!! You should have a year where you knit mostly with handspun! ;) It's just WOW, seriously. And I am so curious what's in your advent calendar!!

  7. oh I LOVE those two skeins together ... and seeing that up next project in the brown bags really does make me wonder just how much fiber you have stashed!


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