
Thursday, May 20, 2021

Three Small Joys

I am posting a little later than usual because I only *just* got caught up with work, so I'm stealing the few moments of calm I have left to share a few things making me happy today, seeing as it is Thursday. Thanks to Carole for hosting us every week for Three on Thursday!

1. I received some new (to me) books.
I have thank Katie for introducing me to Thriftbooks. I've been trying to reduce rather than increase my book collection and buy used books when possible, but I don't have a good used book store near me. But thanks to this site, I was able to get three books (two gently used, one new) for very reasonable prices to add to my big stack for Summer Book Bingo!

You can go ahead and laugh at my totally unrealistic plans to read all of these plus some additional digital and audio books this summer, but I am totally excited to dig in!

2. The roofers are almost done with the house.
They've spent the past couple of days putting the roof on the addition on the back of the house, which has a very shallow slope compared to the main roof. They told the Mister that they expect to finish it up by Monday. There's still the garage roof to do, so I'm not quite done hearing the banging all day, but at least it won't also make the house vibrate at the same time.

3. I've had a bit of luck.
Speaking of Carole, if you read her blog, you may remember that last month she asked us to consider supporting her local Kiwanis Club by buying a cash calendar. I was happy to do so because I remember my grandfather and great-uncle were involved in Kiwanis (we got that box of individual packets of salted peanuts to hand out at Halloween every year), but I was even more delighted to receive an email earlier this week to let me know that my calendar number was drawn the other day and I'd won a cash prize! So thanks, Carole!

I hope the end of your week is full of some little joys and maybe even a little luck. See you back here on Sunday!


  1. I think your reading pile looks TOTALLY realistic :-) I've had that lovely edition of Braiding Sweetgrass checked out from the library these past three weeks and I broke down and ordered a copy to own today. It's a gorgeous book and the writing is amazing. (and now I can lend it out) ... also WOOT for the roofers being close to done!

  2. I think it's a wonderful idea to have a big, ol' stack of books at the ready! And how nice to be able to add "discount titles" to your collection. (I won a cash prize from Carole's Kiwanis Club, too!!! Woo hoo!!!)

  3. Love your stack of books. I'll be interested to hear your take on Braiding has been on my radar. I need to see if my library has it. Glad your roofing is almost complete! Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. You've taken on some challenging reading for the summer. Once in awhile I find a "gentle used" book at the LBS, and I love to give them a new home (at least for awhile). Here's to the roofers leaving you soon. You'll love the sound of quiet.

  5. I am sure you are going to be enjoying those books all summer long. Have fun reading.

  6. Oh boy - I haven't heard of Thriftbooks but I'll be looking at that link for sure. Mostly I've had great luck with used books from Powell's in Oregon and the local store. I had one bad experience when I ordered a used book from Amazon - it wreaked of cigarette smoke. It came from a secondary market but they took it back. A pile of books for the summer is a good thing.

  7. I loved Braiding Sweetgrass, by the way.

  8. Oh my! That book stack! (and MED's Tears We Cannot Stop is an amazing book!) You have some things there that look very interesting to me! Hmm! I might have to check out Thriftbooks!

  9. Congratulations on the cash AND the books!! I think that this is the best mail that you can get, honestly.


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