
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Unraveled, Week 46/2021

Well, my friends, the excitement has not let up this week. The good news? My sister-in-law is feeling fine -- her only symptom is that she can't smell anything. My brother-in-law and nephew are both negative. Unfortunately we learned that a good family friend has tested positive, despite being fully vaccinated, and she is sick. She likely got it from her 11-month-old, who apparently picked it up at daycare -- so far, six of the 10 babies in her room have tested positive. They are doing okay, if feeling a bit lousy, and I guess it's a good thing that they aren't really seriously ill. But it is troubling, especially as we have all been so careful for so long, and it seems to be affecting all of us. Rainbow had a really hard time getting to sleep Monday night, which of course meant I didn't get much sleep because I was trying to soothe her, so I was dragging yesterday. And that was not helped by getting a big project dropped on my desk first thing yesterday morning. Do you think it's too soon to take another mental health day?

I can handle the work stuff -- I know I'll be finished with it soon, after all -- but my biggest complaint is that it has gotten in the way of my crafting and reading time. I don't have very much knitting progress to share with you today, but I'm still linking up with Kat and the Unravelers because I'll be darned if I miss a week this far into the year!

Over the weekend, I finished the first of the socks for my brother and started the second; my goal is to finish the second sock by the end of next week, as we're planning on having a family Chanukah party on Sunday the 28th. If I'm pressed, I can churn out a sock in a day if I need to, but my joints would prefer I take a bit more time.

Rainbow's hat has seen a little progress, and I think I'm past the halfway point on the yarn. I am attending a two-hour professional development workshop (via Zoom) later this morning, and I plan to knit on it for as much of that time as possible.

Finally, I have added a bit to my charity hat, though it doesn't look that different from the last time you saw it. I'll share an updated photo once it looks a bit more interesting. I haven't even touched my Shifty this week; it's on hold until I get the gifts/stuff that's on deadline done.

Keeping with the theme, reading has been slow this week as well. I haven't finished a single book this week! But I have been reading through Great Circle, which is quite honestly the length of two or three books, and I've been enjoying it. I wanted to finish it this week, but that's all dependent on how work goes. I'm doing a lot of reading, but very little of it is for pleasure!

Please let me know what wonderful things you are working on and reading in the comments -- if I can't knit or read much myself, I'll at least be happy knowing my friends are!


  1. All those babies with the virus - that is frightening. I hope everyone will recover and quickly. Poor Rainbow. So far, November has felt a bit wobbly here too. Hope that turns around soon for all of us.

  2. The news about multiple immunized people getting the virus and all the babies is very unsettling. I do hope everyone recovers fully. I understand how Rainbow must feel and hope all of you can get some sleep (and her second shot)! Those socks are beautiful and I hope you get a lot knit on Rainbow's hat during your prof dev workshop. I'm finally working on the ribbing for my sweater and have just started The Memoirs of Stockholm Sven. I've only listened to a chapter but I am having trouble putting it down.

  3. WOW! That is scary - all the babies testing positive as well as folks who have been vaccinated. My brother in CO told me that CO has one of the highest rates for vaccinations...and also the highest rates for coming down with Covid. Very disturbing. I hope your work day goes well and that you can get knitting accomplished during the Zoom call. My week has seen little (almost none) knitting and very little reading. I hope to remedy that soon!!

  4. It makes me sad to think of those babies with COVID, I hope that everyone recovers quickly and completely. I was able to work on a hat during a zoom meeting this morning and it felt great!

  5. Gosh, that's hard to hear...all those babies with COVID. I didn't trust my eyes the first time I read it :(.
    I'm only 20% of my way through Lincoln Highway. I haven't had much reading time lately--but when I do sit down with it, I'm loving it!

  6. It is awful for the little ones to be sick with Covid. I'm glad the gift knitting is on track to be finished but please take good care of your joints. I've been hand quilting mostly. I knit a little on a sweater yoke and am considering a shawl. Not much knitting happening here between the quilt and some holiday shopping.

  7. You are describing my daughter's greatest fear for Winston in daycare. We had a scare when we arrived in Michigan, but it just turned out to be RSV (still not fun) I read something recently that the Delta variant and a cloth mask are not a good combination. So we invested in a box of N95 masks... they are much more effective against covid.

  8. Your knitting is progressing well, Sarah! And . . . the vaccines are not a magical way to prevent Covid entirely. (That's never how vaccines work . . .) They're designed to keep us from getting the more severe cases of Covid. It looks like Covid isn't going away - sadly - so we're going to have to learn to live with it. XO

  9. I can't wait to hear what you think about Great Circle. I got it from the library last month but returned it unread... like so many books for me right now!!

    I'm sorry to read that your friend and her child picked up covid. That sounds like a nightmare!!

  10. I'm in love with the way Lisa's yarn is striping on Rainbow's hat ... and so glad your little family is still healthy. I have a renewed appreciation this week for just how vicious COVID can be.


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