
Friday, September 09, 2022

A Long Short Week

Well friends, we have made it to Friday. Even though a four-day week should feel faster than a typical one, this week has seemed to spread out and feel longer than the usual. Even Rainbow mentioned having this feeling despite not having a particularly taxing week. I'm chalking it up to a long weekend last weekend that was kind of gloomy and depressing because of all the rain.

In any case, we're on the cusp of another weekend, and it looks like it'll be at least half nice weather. We're entering that time of year when every day the weather could be glorious or could be terrible, so I might as well get used to it! On the plus side, I am finishing up the week with a pair of finished socks for my sister-in-law:

I washed and blocked them on the sock blockers to make them all neat and tidy, and later today I'll wrap them up so I can give them to my sister-in-law at dinner this evening. Because the stripe sequence in this colorway was rather long, I didn't try to make the socks identical, but I did cast on by starting exactly at the point where the color changed, so the stripes at least line up.

I've had such a response to this heel, with its simultaneous heel "flap" and gusset, that I'm likely going to write it up as a pattern (including, by special request, a toe-up version).

Now that the socks are complete, I've turned back to my Quotidian Tee, which has officially entered that black hole state where I seem to knit and knit and knit but it doesn't seem to grow in length. I'm supposed to work to 17 inches before I split for the fronts and back, and every time I measured it yesterday it was coming up 16.25 inches. I'm hoping to finally escape the black hole today, and maybe soon it will look more like a sweater than a red tube. I've spared you a photo because it really doesn't look much different.

I will, however, share a photo to end this post and share with you some of my excitement from what's happening in the garden. Although things are starting to wind down with some things, we finally have a butternut squash growing!

I have no idea if it will have enough time to grow to the point where we can actually eat it, but I'm delighted that I've at least gotten one squash to grow. That seems to be a theme with a lot of the plants this year, but I've learned a lot of lessons that I'll take with me into planning for next year -- and I'll also be thankful again that my family is not relying on my farming skills to feed us!

I hope you have a great weekend!


  1. I love the finished socks! Dinner will be extra special tonight, for sure. Have a great weekend!

  2. Those are beautiful socks, and I have every confidence that you'll reach the seemingly unobtainable 17" today. I always feel bad for farmers because terrible weather is a much bigger deal for them than me having to water a little garden (and complaining about it a lot). I'm holding hope for your baby butternut!

  3. the socks look fantastic! I'm really relieved that you'll be making a pattern for this, because it took me a moment to realise that you were NOT knitting an afterthought heel and then I puzzled over how you were knitting them. The yarn is so beautiful! Was that a gobstopper ball you were working from? (I hope that this is the right word).
    I hope you will have a fantastic weekend - we have rain here, but it's a big FINALLY RAIN (we went about 6 weeks without, which is insane here).

  4. The socks look fab and, hopefully, by now your SIL is ooohhhing and aaahhhing over them! Congrats on the butternut squash - one of my favorite squashes. Love ALL those winter/hard squashes.

  5. I love squash season and home grown is such a treat. I will look forward to that new toe up pattern too

  6. I am cheering for your adorable Baby Butternut as well! (and another weekend of rain... but I am not at all complaining because we need it so desperately!)

  7. I'm sure those socks were a hit - I love the coordinated stripes. and that heel.

  8. The socks look great. I would love to know how to knit that heel. Gardening is all about learning and growing. I hope the squash gets big enough to eat.

  9. I really love those socks - that gray is just perfect! And I'd love try out your sock pattern when it's up for sale. I hope your squash makes it! What an exciting thing to watch :)


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