
Friday, October 07, 2022

FO Friday

Phew, what a week it's been! I know intellectually that it's better to have Yom Kippur fall in the middle of the week rather than on a weekend, but it does disrupt the week quite a bit! Thank you to all of you who sent good thoughts for my fast. I find that it gets easier the older I get, and this year my only ill effect was a bit of caffeine withdrawal/dehydration headache. It was a beautiful day, so after services I went out for a (slow) walk, and we had my parents, my brother, and my sister-in-law over to break the fast. I did have some trouble falling asleep on Wednesday night despite only drinking a small amount of coffee, but by yesterday I was back to normal.

I am finishing the week with a finished object, though it's a tiny one!

Newborn Vertebrae (Ravelry link) by Kelly van Niekerk
Yarn: Fibernymph Dye Works Bounce in Galaxy Cocktail, 0.55 skeins
Needles: US 3 (3.25 mm) and US 1.5 (2.5 mm)
Started/Completed: October 1/October 6

I think this is the third time I've knit this pattern now, and it's always reliable for a very cute, very tiny sweater. Obviously I still need to block this latest one so it doesn't look as wonky, but otherwise I'm happy with it. I did wind off yarn so that I could have the stripes match in the sleeves, but that was my only effort in yarn management. My one tiny modification to the pattern was in how I worked the edge stitches in the body ribbing. In an effort to get those edge to lie a bit flatter, I slipped the first stitch of each row purlwise and worked the next stitch in garter.

It's not something you'd notice unless you looked really closely, but it does seem to prevent that edge from curling under too much.

I've also started the matching hat, but I've put it aside for now to focus on my socks -- Rainbow and I are going to see the stage production of Frozen tomorrow afternoon, so I want to get past the heel so I can knit the foot in the dark!


  1. What a perfect tiny gift, Sarah. It's so precious -- and those stripes are so cheerful and happy. Enjoy Frozen on stage. XO

  2. That is just so adorable, Sarah! And you and Rainbow have a great time at Frozen! :)

  3. That is a darling sweater and I bet the hat will be equally sweet. I love that you're preparing your sock so you can work on it in the dark. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

  4. I hope you two enjoy Frozen! I saw that on the PGH performance schedule...we are going to be in your fair city for a few days after Thanksgiving and I was looking for shows. And happy stage knitting! :)

  5. I hope the two of you enjoy Frozen. The little baby sweater is very sweet - bright and colorful too.

  6. Frozen sounds fun! And that sweater is adorable - I can't wait to see the matching hat.

  7. Oh my gosh! That has to be the sweetest baby sweater ever!! Love it and what fabulous yarn you used Sarah.


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