
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Movin' Right Along

Anyone else remember that song from one of the Muppet movies? Ahh, takes me back to my youth.

But this is a knitting blog, not a Muppet blog, so back to the knitting content. I am making excellence progress on the holiday knitting. This is mostly due, I think, to the fact that J has been out of town and I've been knitting pretty much every minute of the day when I'm home, from the 20 minutes in the morning when I drink my coffee to when I'm in bed watching TV right before bed. This evening I finished up my father's socks right before dinner, and they're blocking as we speak (as I type?).

Lest we forget her ladyship, Lady Eleanor, she has seen progress as well the past few days. As a reminder, here she was after two skeins of yarn:

And here she is as of last night, with just a little bit of the fourth skein used up (you can see the few yards that are left on the seat of the couch):

At this point I am more than halfway done with the repeats as called for by the pattern, but the piece only measures about 27 inches in length. I know that a good blocking will increase the length a bit, but as I have plenty of yarn (I'm only through a third of what I bought) I may do some extra tiers. My FMIL is petite and thin, but I'd like this to be long enough for her to wrap herself up in it.

So, let's review the holiday knitting list, shall we?

  • Socks for FFIL - DONE
  • Clapotis for my mother - DONE
  • Socks for my father - DONE, BLOCKING
  • Lady Eleanor Stole for FMIL - in progress
  • Felted slippers for FBIL - DONE
  • Socks for J - first one started this evening
  • Felted stocking for family friends - in progress (but plenty of time)

J comes home tomorrow! At some point in the next 36 hours or so, I will cast on for the second Pumpkin Pie sock (my planned Thanksgiving Day knitting project).

I'm off to watch Gilmore Girls. Please, oh please, do not let it be as bad as it was last week. (Just who is this imposter pretending to be Lorelai?)


  1. Wow, are you planning to knit DURING the T-day festivities? That's brilliant! I'm going to take a project to work on as we sit around before dinner to survive the ennui.

    I'm VERY behind on the Gilmore Girls! I can see I'll have to tune in soon! LOVE Luke.

  2. Hey, I knit during anything I can!

    As for GG, don't worry, you haven't missed much. This season has been pretty awful.

  3. I am totally knitting during T-day festivities. In fact, I've planned my progress so that I don't get too far along with the knitting because I need to go buy a new set of DPN's at JoAnn's on Friday morning while they're on sale.


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