
Monday, February 08, 2010

That's More Like It!

After the last spin took more than a month to complete, I knew I had to spin faster or thicker to make up time and stay on track with my goal of spinning each month's club fiber in that month. Faster probably isn't a realistic option, given my limited spinning time, so thicker was the answer for February. That seemed the right choice, anyway, for this fiber -- take a look at these bright colors!

This four ounces of Finn top from the Crown Mountain Farms fiber club just begged to be a bouncy, tightly twisted, barberpoled two ply. And that's just what I spun.

I got about 206 yards of two ply that ranges from about sport to about DK weight (I'm definitely better at spinning more evenly when I'm spinning thinner). There are spots where both plies are the same color, more or less, but the majority of the skein is nicely barberpoled.

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to make with this yarn just yet, though I'm thinking it might make a nice pair of mittens one day. Supposedly Finn is good for felting, so I think a cozy pair of mittens that slowly felt with wear will be just the ticket. This was my first time spinning with this fiber, and I definitely enjoyed it. It's softer than the Falkland I spun last, though not as soft as merino, and has a longer staple length, similar to BFL.

The colors in real life are somewhere in between this photo and the ones above. They are quite vibrant, and something tells me that Rainbow will really like the pinks and purples when she gets a little older.

Speaking of Rainbow, did someone ask for more baby pictures?

This is how the Mister can hold her and be on the computer at the same time. She really likes being bundled up like this.


  1. What a cutie! She looks very content

  2. Beautiful yarn! and even more beautiful baby!

  3. OMG, great picture of Rainbow!!!! Such personality!

  4. LOVE the sling picture!

    Yes - pretty girlie yarn - she will love it someday - maybe you should wait to make those mittens :-)

  5. Anonymous6:50 PM

    SO cute!!!! Your little Rainbow is so beautiful. If we ever have kiddies, I think my hubby will have to have one of those contraptions - he's so attached to his computer. :)

  6. Great spinning. Cute kid! Glad you're getting some stuff done while you're busy being snowed in! :-)

  7. Hmmm, that looks like it might free up hands for knitting! She's adorable.


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