
Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Needle in a ... Nevermind

Much to my surprise, I finished spinning up another yarn this week -- my third for the month. This fiber came from deep stash; the information with the photo on my Flickr account tells me that I uploaded the picture of it in June 2008, which means that I purchased this fiber right around the time we moved into our house. This was four ounces of BFL from Sakina Needles, purchased from the Loopy Ewe, in a colorway called Smokestack (not "haystack," as I kept thinking).

I liked doing singles so much on the last spinalong I participated in that I decided to do them again for this yarn. Laceweight singles, to be specific. I ended up with approximately 531 yards -- a bit less than I was hoping for, but still a respectable yardage.

By their nature, singles can have extra twist in them because they're not plied, so to make sure I didn't have a twisty mess on my hands, I fulled the yarn slightly by alternating wet and cold soaks and then thwacked the life out of it. There are still some kinks and waves here and there, but because I plan to use this for lace that will be blocked, they shouldn't be a problem.

BFL is great for singles. It has a beautiful sheen and a slight halo. I'm not going to be knitting this up in the immediate future, but I think it might become a Citron one day.

Finally, because you asked, here's another Rainbow picture. This was taken last Saturday after a trip out to the hair salon (Mommy needed a cut badly!) and lunch. She was wearing more handknits than I was!

I thought she looked quite stylish in her Tomato Hat and Socks That Rock BSJ, and her Chalice Blanket was definitely keeping her quite cozy!


  1. That is a lot of handknits on one baby! She is a doll.

    (And, how funny, I saw your yarn and thought "That needs to be a Citron" and scrolled down to see you planned it already!)

  2. LOVE the handknit covered Rainbow picture!
    Those beautiful singles will make a perfect Citron - looks like there will be wonderful striping!

  3. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Awww, look at the sweetness!!! I just want to reach in there an kiss those chubby little cheeks :-) I just love sleeping baby pictures, so peaceful.

    Your yarn is going to make a lovely Citron (I almost forgot there was yarn in this post once I saw the cuteness that is Rainbow.)

  4. your handspuns are always so lovely! and how sweet is R...what a lucky baby to be so cozy in handknits :o)

  5. Oh she looks SO snuggly and sweet!!!

  6. I know the real reason you spun that to a laceweight -- so I wouldn't steal it!

    Rainbow looks awfully happy under all that wool!


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