
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Unintended Knitting Time

I had grand plans for today. I'd taken a day off from work and was planning to take the toddler to daycare so that I could run a couple of quick errands and then spend several hours at my LYS, knitting on their couch.

Unfortunately, that was not the way the day went. First, Rainbow had one heck of a meltdown over no apparent reason (it started with toilet paper and continued when it was time to get dressed). I finally managed to get her dressed, get her coat on, and get her shoes on and was attempting to take her out to the car while balancing her on one side and an umbrella on the other when I slipped on the wet back door steps and went splat on our brick back walkway. Thankfully Rainbow was fine, though I think she was a little scared at what had just happened, but my right leg had twisted under me at a strange angle and I couldn't get up on my own. If this had happened any other day, I would have been in real trouble, but the Mister had decided to take the day off, too, so I was able to yell for him to come help us.

He got us both back inside, got me set up on the couch with a package of frozen vegetables on my ankle, and then took Rainbow to daycare as planned. Then he came to get me and take me to the urgent care center. The prognosis is mostly good -- nothing is broken -- but I have what the doctor described as a "severe strain," so I'm supposed to stay off the ankle and keep it elevated for at least a couple of days.  So now here I am:

I've settled nicely on our bed with an extra pillow under my foot, an ice pack on my ankle, crutches nearby should I need them, and my Effortless Cardigan. I'm making lots of progress, too -- I have about three inches left to knit on the body before I start the bottom ribbing. Looks like I'll be getting to a finished sweater a lot sooner than I was expecting, given that there's not much else I'm going to be able to do for the next couple of days.

For those of you in the States, I hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving tomorrow -- one with a little less excitement than mine!


  1. Oh no, boo for slipping, but yay for knitting time. Enjoy your rest and feel better soon. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I'm glad that Rainbow was OK! May I warn you that you will probably hurt more tomorrow? I've sprained both ankles a few times and it's always worse on the second day.

    I hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving! It sounds like this is the perfect opportunity for people to wait on you hand and foot! :)

  3. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this. I did the same thing about 8 years ago in Shadyside. Uneven sidewalks + me running (playfully) from my boyfriend (now DH!) = inside of foot touching inside ankle & a night in the Allegheny General ER. Fun times, good times. I'm so short they gave me children's crutches. I also got an air cast due to the severity of the sprain. VERY painful for about 2 days, then only moderately so for 3 more.

    Advice: keep it elevated and use the crutches for the full time suggested. For me, it was about 2 wks.

    Can't wait to see your finished sweater, though!

  4. Hope you're mending quickly. Ouch! (and very glad R was fine!)


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