
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Very Good Motivation

So, my spinning. To be completely honest, I have barely touched it all week save for a couple of hours this afternoon when I put a little more on this bobbin:

I'd estimate I'm about halfway done with this final bobbin, and I hope to spend a little more time spinning this week so I can finish it up and ply before the end of the month.

Aside from the desire to finally finish this spinning project, I got some really good motivation to finish yesterday. When we opened the door to some friends who came over for dinner last night, we found a fairly large package in the door -- one I kind of knew was coming but also kind of wasn't expecting. You see, what I didn't tell you in my interview with Stefanie last week is that she has a really amazing job. She works for a company called Stitchcraft Marketing, and part of her job is getting clients' products in the hands of knitters and spinners. She very kindly offered to send me some spinning fiber to review and ask me to give her some suggestions of what I might like to spin, so I did, expecting just a sample size bit of fiber.

You can imagine my surprise, then, when I opened the package last night to find a whopping 18 oz. of fiber in total. I'm sure you want to know what it was, don't you? Well I won't keep you in suspense.

The star of the package (and the item that really makes me wish the Internet had the ability to let you touch through the screen) is this lovely packet of camel/tussah silk:

This stuff is unbelievably soft. It's just begging to be spun into a light, soft yarn that will be knit into something for my neck. I think it's going to go on the spindle very soon.

Also in the package was a full pound of wool -- 8 oz. of Manx Loaghtan and 8 oz. of Gotland.

I have spun both of these breeds just once before and really enjoyed them, so I'm looking forward to really getting to know them better. And they even smell good -- when I opened the package, I got a lovely waft of that nice sheepy smell.

So thanks again, Stefanie, for hooking me up with this great fiber! I see a lot of fun spinning sessions in my future!

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