
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tying Up Loose Ends

This coming Saturday, we are headed to Florida for two blissful (and warm, I hope) weeks of vacation. That means that this week is going to be full of getting ready and finishing up things before we leave. On top of all that, it's also a busy week. Yesterday was Rainbow's fifth birthday -- can you believe it? -- so we took her out for dinner to celebrate. That, of course, was after two birthday parties over the weekend (one for her friends, one with the family) and another friend's party on Sunday. This evening she had her annual check-up at the pediatrician, and tomorrow evening is her pre-K class holiday party. I'm exhausted just typing all that!

I did finish up my Coaxial Hat on Sunday night but didn't get to block it until this morning. I have a feeling it might be wet for a while yet given the fact that it was raining pretty much all day today.

I'm really hoping that the top flattens out a bit more; it was a bit ripply when it came off the needles. Once it's fully dry, I'll try to get some modeled shots and do a proper FO post. I've got it drying on top of the radiation, which I'm hoping will speed up the process.

At the moment, the only thing I have on the needles is my Electric Avenue socks, which have gotten a bit more done since you saw them last -- I've just finished the ribbing.

I'm not going to start anything new before we go away, but I have grand plans for the knitting I'm going to get done while we're there. I wound some yarn the other night so that it's all ready to go. I'm probably going to end up packing more than I'll actually use up -- but that's far preferable to running out of yarn, right?

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