
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Feeling Periwinkle

I have another skein of handspun to share, fresh off the wheel! I've been a spinner on a mission the past two weeks or so, for no apparent reason, and I've taken advantage of the mojo to plow through a 4 oz. braid of fiber I inherited from a friend. This was a 50% merino/25% bamboo/25% tussah silk from Yarn Hollow in a colorway called Galaxy.

I didn't do anything fancy to manage the colors for this spin, just split the top into three roughly equal pieces. I spun each piece onto its own bobbin and did a traditional three ply. I used up every last inch of the singles I spun by, when the first bobbin ran out, winding off the singles from one of the remaining bobbins and plying from both ends as well as from the other bobbin and then, when the second bobbin ran out, chain plying the little bit remaining on the final bobbin.

It's extremely hard to get an accurate color representation of the finished skein (which obviously still had a lot of ply twist in it here -- it's soaking in the bath right now). Overall, it reads rather periwinkle, but if you look closely, you can see the different shades of blue and purple.

Final yardage will obviously be determined after the twist is set and the skein is dry, but I can already tell that this yarn will have amazing drape. With half of its fiber content being silk and bamboo, it's going to be shiny and have not too much memory, so it's going to be wonderful for a shawl or scarf.


  1. I can't usually predict how yarn in the skein will look when it's knit, and I really can't predict what fiber will produce when it's spun! I might have predicted a yarn with more more pink from that fiber, but your periwinkle is so pretty. What a lovely mixture of fibers and colors!

  2. Wow! That is a dramatic transformation! That is really quite beautiful, Sarah!

  3. That is so amazingly! I don’t spin but I am so curious. The color looks like spring.

  4. Wow! the yarn is gorgeous (and I honestly had a very much "meh" reaction to the braid). #spinningcurious ;-)


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