
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Motivation and Guilt

There are many ways to motivate me to finish up a project: the desire to wear it, a deadline, and even guilt. Those all seem to apply to my current WIPs.

I've finished the first of my Zigzagular Socks and am quite pleased with it.

I have modified the original pattern to work with a different stitch count and gauge, so really I'm only following the pattern for the traveling twisted stitch panel. I decided to do an Eye of Partridge heel to change things up a bit, too. The second sock is underway, and amazingly because I ended the toe of the first sock with the blue (you can see just about one round of it at the very tip of the toe, I was able to start the second sock the same way as the first, so my socks should match, more or less. I really love this colorway, and I'm really excited to wear these socks!

Meanwhile, under the category of "deadline," there's the baby blanket, which I need to ship out this weekend to get it there in time for the shower. That means I likely need to have it done by Thursday, at the latest, to have enough time to block it and have it dry completely. It's officially reached blob status at this point.

I've just started joining in my third skein of yarn (the remainder of the second is under that mess of yarn right next to it). I'm not sure if I'll get to the fourth and final skein at this point; I'm planning to add a fairly thick garter border to this, so really it's a question of how much I get done and how much time is left when I'm ready to start the border. I don't need this to be a huge blanket -- in this fiber content and with all the lace, this is likely going to be used this summer, when the baby is still fairly small, so it doesn't need to cover a queen-size bed or anything. I figure when I'm really to be done, I'll call it done.

Rainbow and I did make a quick trip over to Indie Knit and Spin on Saturday (other plans limited our availability), and most of my time there was spent shopping for my FibreShare partner. But I did make sure to pick up the sweater quantity of HipStrings Buoy DK I was seeking.

I selected Marine as my main color, and though I'd originally thought of using a burnt orange for my contrast, there wasn't any in the booth, so I picked Goldenrod as my second choice. I think it's a really stunning combination, and I'm quite happy with it. This pile is intended to become a Darkwater, which I desperately want to cast on right away. But before I could wind up a skein and start swatching, guilt set in. So I spent some of my Saturday evening working on an old, long-neglected WIP.

Remember my poor Floozy cardigan? I've been ignoring it for so long because after the excitement of the yoke, knitting the stockinette body just felt so dull. But I've suddenly felt a renewed desire to have this done to wear it, so I expect once I get the baby blanket off the needles it'll become my main evening project. It may not be exciting knitting, but it's knitting that's super easy to do while doing something else, so that should make it a really versatile project to be working on.


  1. Your WIPs all display excellent reasons to finish them! Your Zigzagular socks are really fantastic, every baby needs a blanket, and I admire your resolve to work on Floozy with that lovely new yarn tempting you. Whatever motivates you to finish is good!

  2. I'm so glad to see that Floozy is back in your "active" pile ... I want to see you wear it this season (and I don't at all want to wish you a longer wait for spring). also, I LOVE the colors you chose for Darkwater.

  3. I love your color choices for Darkwater! And, knitting guilt... yeah, it is awesome.


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