
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Giving Thanks

It's Thanksgiving here in the United States, a day that has a somewhat troubling mythology, but nevertheless a day for gathering with family and giving thanks for our blessings. This year will of course be noticeably different from Thanksgivings past. There will be only three of us around the table, and we'll be seeing all our family only via computer screen. But this year, more than any other I can remember, I'm feeling more thankful. There are the very obvious things to be thankful for -- good health, good food to eat, a roof over our heads, steady jobs, etc. -- but also some nontraditional things. So because it's Thursday, here are three things I'm feeling lucky for this year.

1. My library
I have always been a big fan of my local library, dating back to when I was little kid and used to visit about once a week to check out big stacks of picture books. In the past couple of years, I've discovered the apps that enable me to check out ebooks and audiobooks, but it really wasn't until this year that I really took full advantage of them. I'm on track to read about 100 books this year, and when all is said and done, I think the vast majority of them will have been library books. I really credit all the reading I've done this year with helping me to keep my sanity during these difficult times.

2. The internet
In a time when it's been downright dangerous to be around other people, the internet has enabled me to connect with so many others. It's made it possible for me to work from home, stay in touch with family and friends, attend fiber events that have been canceled in person, and find sources of entertainment and distraction. The pandemic has been difficult for everyone, but I can't imagine getting through it without the ability to connect across distance and time zones.

3. Online friends
This last one is about all of you, dear readers. I knew a few of you before this year, but thanks to our reliance on our computers, I have gotten to know so many more of you this year. We have read books together, shared our knitting projects, swapped recipes, and talked politics. We've emailed, commented, and chatted in real time on Zoom calls. I feel so lucky to know you all!

If you are celebrating Thanksgiving today, I hope it's a meaningful holiday for you. I hope it's full of good food and some good company. I hope that all of you stay safe and healthy, and let's hope that the world looks very different at this time next year!


  1. I am with you on the wonder that is our library. I am so grateful for it... every single day!

    I hope that your day is full, despite the smallness of the gathering. Sending you and your family the Happiest of Thanksgivings!

  2. have a wonderful day - I love your attitude and getting to know you a bit
    I am also thankful for the internet and connections and libraries

  3. What a lovely list. I'm so thankful for you! Thank you for a year full of kindness.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Sarah! I wholeheartedly concur with your list - especially this year. I can't imagine 2020 without those things!!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Sarah!! We don't have it here, but I'm thankful for having met you and finding your blog. Thank you for being the way you are. ��

    1. I know it's a North American holiday (and a questionable one at that), but I think that this year especially we can all embrace giving thanks for what we have!

  6. What a lovely enumeration of many of the things we've come to recognize, appreciate, and be truly grateful for! I hope you and your family near and far enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving.


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