
Monday, January 31, 2022

But at Least There's Coffee

It was very hard to get up this morning. Mondays are always tough, and it was a busy weekend. Rainbow and I ventured out to run some errands Saturday morning, and in the afternoon there was the usual cleaning and laundry to do. Yesterday I spent four hours (yes, you read that correctly!) on a Zoom board meeting. This was after a call on Thursday that lasted more than three hours. And I expect there will be more long calls in the weeks to come as well. I can't really say much, but I think it's obvious that there are some big, serious issues being discussed.

The only good thing about all these hours on Zoom is that I am using them to get a lot of knitting done. For instance, over the course of yesterday's call, I knit about half a sleeve on my sweater:

Click to embiggen and you'll see a little silver house charm hanging off the sleeve -- that marks where I started knitting yesterday. The sleeve is almost done now; I think I have one or two more sets of decreases to work before the cuff.

I've also made some good progress on my socks and now have two completed heels, so I'm on autopilot for while until I need to do the ribbing on the cuff of the second sock.

If you paid attention to any national news this past weekend, then you probably heard about the bridge collapse in Pittsburgh. It's not far from where we live, and it's one we've been over many, many times, so it was a shock. As it happens, my brother-in-law was running in the park right near the bridge (the trail goes underneath it) and came across it not long after it came down. He was actually able to help some people out of their cars, including, as I later learned, the husband of a knitting friend. The photos he took and shared with us were pretty surreal.

Yes, that's a bus on the right! Amazingly, no one was killed or even seriously injured, and there was less traffic on it than usual because it was not only before the height of the morning rush but there was also a school delay due to the snow, so I think only like six vehicles were on it at the time it collapsed. In an interesting twist, the day this happened, President Biden was coming to town to talk about infrastructure -- and frankly I don't think there's a better example of why we need to invest in infrastructure than this!

Today I'll be trying to stay awake and hoping for calm. I hope it's a good last day of January for you!


  1. Those zoom meetings sound brutal. I hope there will be some good results. And yes, I wondered about your proximity to that bridge collapse. Very scary.

  2. I thought of you and Kat immediately when I heard about that bridge collapse! Those board meetings sound awful. Any meeting that goes longer than an hour or so, in my opinion, can become unproductive.

  3. I thought shoveling was painful, but those long board meetings sound excruciating! Thank goodness you can knit. The bridge collapse is awful and your BiL's photo shows how amazingly lucky it was that there were no deaths. Stay warm and enjoy the coffee!

  4. It is nothing short of a miracle that no one was more seriously injured with the bridge collapse. And I am nodding with Carole... longer than an hour means lots of unnecessary business. Oy.

    Happy Monday!

  5. Oh, my. Meetings should never go that long! That's a "conference" . . . not a meeting. And that bridge collapse was a frightening thing. A very clear message that we need to shore up our infrastructure!

  6. Holy moly - 4 hours. There must be something serious brewing. I wish you all the best! And I hope that there are no more 4 hour Zooms in your future.

    Your sweater is looking so freaking cool. Yay!!

    And I was hoping that bridge collapse wouldn't be anywhere near you. How amazing that your BIL was nearby and able to help out. Let's hope it doesn't create too much trouble while it's out of commission AND that the Build Back Better bill actually passes sooner rather than later!

  7. Those meetings sound awful. But the bridge collapse - oh my. I thought of both you and Kat when I read about it. I'm holding a good thought that the rest of your week is calmer. Good thing you can knit during those meetings. Your are making good progress.

  8. Meetings are big issues are painful. Let's hope all that talk leads to action. When I hear of a manmade disaster it riles me up and hurts my heart. How can we be so careless? sigh Let's hope it also leads to action.


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