
Friday, March 04, 2022

A Dispatch from Sleeve Island

I'd really better finish this sweater soon or else you are all likely to stop reading this blog because it'll seem like the same content all the time! Yesterday got busy with work, but I did have a Zoom board meeting last night, so I've made some progress on the second sleeve.

I paused on the first sleeve once I finished up with the second contrast color, so now I will knit the second sleeve (the one on the left in the photo) until I'm ready to join the third main color. Then I'll go back and finish up the first sleeve. I think I may have to add some additional rounds to the sleeves so that they are full length; at this point it looks like if I follow the pattern as written, they might be a tad short for my taste. But that kind of adjustment is very easy to do. I'm pretty sure I can get some serious knitting done tomorrow -- Rainbow has play practice at school (she's on the stage crew) from 10 to 2, so once I get my usual Saturday-morning chores out of the way, I will have no distractions. I think we're also planning to do family movie night tomorrow now that the new West Side Story is streaming, so that's another opportunity to knit. I am cautiously optimistic that I can finish the sleeves over the weekend, and it would be really fantastic if this sweater could be done in time for me to wear it on my birthday next week!

I hope that as this week comes to a close, you can find some reasons to be happy in spite of all the terrible news around the world and can find a way to help someone else. As soon as I hit publish on this, I'm off to make some donations, which always makes me feel better. Happy Friday!


  1. Your sweater is beautiful, Sarah, and I - for one - love seeing your updates. Thanks for the reminder to do something to help someone else. That's a perfect way to take action, when it feels like there's nothing we can do. XO

  2. I hope you get lots of knitting time this weekend. Not because I'm tired of seeing Shifty, but so maybe it can be the Shifty Birthday Sweater! I am also contemplating more donations.

  3. I am envisioning a final post with a series of progress photos - kind of like time lapse!

  4. Every time I see one of your sweaters with partial sleeves, I think...What about leaving them right there? Cap sleeves! Three-quarter sleeves!
    Enjoy your weekend, and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

  5. Another positive voice for seeing updates, even if they don't feel like much progress to you ... and I do kind of love Juliann's suggestion (I should do that myself ... many of my projects go from nothing to FO on my blog, but my photostream tells a different story). Happy FRIDAY!

  6. Your jumper looks brilliant, its a lovely colour. We saw West Side Story recently, all the big en masse dance scenes were amazing!
    I've just restarted my blog at , would be lovely to see you over there :)

  7. I am enjoying all of these Shifty updates - so don't worry about that!! I think it's good fun to watch a sweater (and other projects!) progress over time. And this one is especially fun!

    I hope you're enjoying your weekend. A family movie night sounds lovely!

  8. I think you are speed knitting Two Sleeves At Once (I think this should be an Olympic event... truly!) Anyways... you are just flying along!

    And yes... doing something for others is the best pick me up ever!


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