
Monday, March 14, 2022

That Worked Out Well

I am dragging a bit this morning, as I often am on a Monday (and even more so on a Monday after we lose an hour of sleep), but it's going to be a busy week and I have to get moving. The good news is that there's something to look forward to at the end of it: Rainbow and I will be leaving early -- very early -- Saturday morning for two weeks in Florida. Even though I'll be working for those two weeks, it'll be so much better than working remotely from home, especially because this is what we woke up to on Saturday morning:

They were calling for 3-6 inches, but we ended up with 8, breaking a record set back in the '60s. Rainbow was supposed to have a long play rehearsal at school on Saturday (she's on the stage crew), but they wisely canceled on Friday, so we all enjoyed sleeping in and having pancakes for breakfast. All this white stuff should be gone soon, because today we're supposed to get into the mid-50s, but I am ready for winter to be really over.

Thank you for all your very kind comments on my Shifty on Friday! I wore it that day and am wearing it again today. It's incredibly comfortable and fits perfectly, so I have a feeling it's going to be a regular feature of my wardrobe. Now that it's done, I'm focused on finishing up my other WIP, the rainbow-ish brioche cowl, which is getting very close to the finish line:

I'm pretty much knitting until I run out of yarn, and you can see that there's not much left. I'm also increasing 8 stitches every other round, which is why it looks all bunched up. I can't wait to show you what it looks like when it's not all bunched up, and it's not out of the realm of possibility that I'll finish it today -- I have a team meeting for work this morning and another board meeting this evening, so that's a lot of time sitting and listening to people that I'll need my knitting for in order to stay engaged.

And because I finally finished my Shifty, I allowed myself to wind the yarn for my next sweater over the weekend:

Yep, I'm doing it: I'm knitting May(be) Queen again, this time in the correct size for me (notice the highlighted size -- and yes, I did intentionally choose a highlighter color to match my yarn, thank you very much). I think the second go on this pattern should be a lot easier because I've gotten to know the pattern from the first attempt and also know how I want to adapt it a bit for the second. I'm hoping to get started this week, but this will be coming to Florida as my main project.

I hope your Monday is gentle to you!


  1. Oh my, that trip to Florida sounds simply divine! Especially after this weekend's weather. This morning felt downright balmy as Sherman and I went out for our stroll. But sunshine and warm weather just sound amazing! What a treat for both of you!

  2. Your "vacation" in FL sounds pretty good, and I love that you've got your travel knitting all ready! I'm sorry for all the snow over the weekend, but knitting time today and a lovely rainbow cowl are a good thing for a Monday. I hope it's a good one!

  3. Hooray for new knitting projects and finishing up unfinished ones, too. I think 2 weeks in Florida, even while working, sounds awesome.

  4. I think that pattern is the perfect re-knit for a re-turn to Florida!

  5. A trip to Florida sounds wonderful. I like winter but I say "uncle." I've had enough of this cold brown winter. Enjoy knitting the next sweater in that beautiful color. Safe travels.

  6. Such good stuff to celebrate here! Projects, color, cozy mornings, pancakes, and a trip to Florida! Enjoy it all. I hope your week is swift and good finds you knitting in the sunshine soon. (Even if you'll be working--you'll be working in FL!)

  7. Two weeks away from home sounds amazing - and especially a trip to Florida! Your week is going to fly by. I love that you're reknitting that sweater. How fun!

  8. How fun for you and Rainbow to get some sunshine-time together! Your new knitting projects look great, Sarah. And here's to quick-melting snow . . . and warmer Spring weather on the way. XO

  9. Love the orange for your new May(be) Queen. That color is going to look so good on you! Yay for 2 weeks (2 weeks!!!) in FL - I'm sure you and Rainbow will have plenty of fun even if you have to work (will she have to do school remotely or is this spring break time?). We got much less snow than you, but there are still a few clumps around at the edges of roads, etc. But gosh it has warmed up beautifully!!


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