
Friday, August 19, 2022

We've Almost Made It

To the weekend, that is. It's been a long week with less-than-optimal sleep thanks to Rainbow's orthodontic woes, and this morning we're dealing with another one -- last night, her expander inexplicably popped off one of her teeth. So later this morning I'll be taking her to the orthodontist to get it fixed, we hope, and that means that this has to be short so I can squeeze in my daily workout and a shower before then.

It doesn't look like I've made a lot of progress on my sweater, but 1x1 half-twisted ribbing is not exactly fast. Now that I've finished the bottom hem and have moved on to stockinette in the round, I think the knitting will grow much faster.

I'm enjoying knitting with this yarn, although due to its chainette construction, it can be a bit tricky at times, and I'm taking care to make sure I don't split it.

I'm hoping that the weekend ahead includes a lot of knitting time. It looks like there's some rain in the forecast, so I just might get my wish. I hope your weekend also has good things in store, and to send you off into it, I'll share a photo of some of our impatiens. After several years of planting them and not getting good results, this year, they're flourishing.

Update: We're back from the orthodontist, and I have a very happy kid on my hands -- the expander is out! Her upper palate is sufficiently widened, so we'll make a quick trip in on Monday so he can put in a wire or something to keep the teeth in place, and then on Wednesday we'll be back for bottom braces. I'm really thankful they could fit us in, and Rainbow is very happy she can eat and talk normally again!


  1. Oh ugh for Rainbow's orthodontic issue... I hope it is fixed and quickly!

    Happy weekend... may it be full of good making!

  2. I'm sorry that Rainbow is having orthodontic issues, but I hope they are resolved easily (and comfortably, if that's possible) and you get plenty of knitting time this weekend to work on that sweater. Those are indeed lovely impatiens!

  3. Hope all goes well at the orthodontist, braces can sure be a pain. Your impatiens are beautiful, happy weekend!

  4. Oh, those orthodontic woes! Just keep repeating . . . her-smile-will-be-beautiful, her-smile-will-be-beautiful. (And it will be!) Your impatiens are lovely -- and very, very happy! XO

  5. I am glad you have good news on the orthodontic front. The flowers are lovely. I had a rather busy week so a quiet Saturday was just the ticket.

  6. The color in this post is amazing! Your sweater looks amazing and your FLOWERS. Lovely! And thank you for the update on Rainbow - so glad that she was able to get into the dentist and is feeling better. I'm excited to hear about your weekend!

  7. woohoo about the orthodontia ... hope the next steps go smoothly. and your impatiens is looking fantastic! We have vinca in our front beds - planted in 2018 and re-seeded themselves since. Friends report that their impatiens does the same ... is that possible where you live? the beds are a little bare to begin, but wow, I just love that nature replenishes in her own time.

  8. When Elder Son's expander was removed, he directed me to put it in the street and drive over it a couple times. He had HATED that thing. Did you have to insert the little wire key and give the expander a tiny bit of expansion every day? I HATED having to do that; it was misery for ES.

    1. Oh gosh, yes! That annoying key that I had to do TWICE a day -- it's bad enough when your kid is suffering, but to be made to inflict pain was awful!


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