
Monday, March 17, 2025

A Week with Two Wednesdays?

It's Monday, but it's also kind of Wednesday for me because I'm taking this Thursday and Friday off (when I went to check my time off accruals last week, I found I had reached the maximum on my vacation time, so I can't earn any more unless I use some). If, given a three-day week, this Wednesday is my Friday, then this Monday is my Wednesday, right?

We had a very relaxing weekend, I think in part because Molly is now on spring break for a couple of weeks, so we didn't have much of a sense of urgency. And the weather was pretty crummy both days, with rain on and off and even a brief hailstorm on Sunday! The Mister and I had to go to the bank to sign some documents on Saturday morning, and then Molly and I went to Costco (yes, I know, but we were in and out in less than an hour, if you can believe it!). We stayed in on Saturday night, had snacks for dinner, and watched 50 First Dates, and yesterday we had dinner with my parents, my brother, and his family. This morning I'll be going back and forth to campus to go see my doctor for my annual physical and then to donate blood. But it will be nice not to have to do the school pickup in the afternoon! Molly does have to write a research paper for history over break, but she's also making sure to catch up on her sleep and get plenty of down time.

I did a fair amount of knitting over the weekend and so am more than 50% done with my sister-in-law's socks:

The heel on the completed sock looks a little wonky, but I think that's just because it was folded up in my project bag and I didn't really smooth it out when I put it down to take this photo. These are just my usual vanilla sock recipe -- 68 stitches, heel flap and gusset, wedge toe. They're exactly the same as the socks I make for myself, just shorter (her feet are a 3/4" shorter than mine!). I'm well on my way on the second sock, so these should be finished soon and then will be washed and put away for later in the year.

I'll admit I was feeling a little bored with just the one project going, so I started a new spinning project. I pulled out another braid of FatCatKnits fiber from years ago but wasn't sure how to spin it, so I posted a photo of it on Instagram with a poll. Overwhelmingly the votes were in favor of a fractal, so I split it up exactly as I did the last spin -- one bobbin in two strips, one bobbin in four. I finished the first bobbin yesterday afternoon.

The fiber base this time is superwash Targhee, which will plump up a bit when washed, but all the same I am spinning my singles a little finer than the last time and aiming for two-ply fingering. We'll see what happens.

And should I get bored with the sock knitting, I've already decided what to cast on next, using this yarn:

If the yarn on the right looks familiar, it's because it's the leftovers from Molly's socks. I thought it would be perfect for a chicken. Yes, you read that correctly! I think my niece needs her own Emotional Support Chicken, but she's only four months old, so I'm making a little one. I pulled out some happy mini skeins that I can use for contrast, and I think a little chick can easily be finished in time for Passover/Easter, don't you think? I've really been enjoying using up as much yarn as I can when I pull a skein out of the stash, so I'll be happy to use the remainder of Molly's skein for something else.

I hope your week is off to a good start. See you back here for the real Wednesday!


  1. Wow - you still have so much going on even with Molly on vacation! I hope the both of you are able to enjoy some quiet time, especially since you have the end of the week off. That fiber looks beautiful and those colors look great for another Emotional Support Chicken!

    I hope the next 3 days are low stress and that you sail through to your long weekend!

  2. Those striped socks are just grand colors! Beautiful! And your spinning is so fun, Sarah! Those colors will work well with a fractal spin! I was thinking about making myself an emotional support chicken as well... you have inspired me to toss my stash and see what I can find! Happy Monday!

  3. You are really cruising along with your SiL's socks. I can't even imagine how that fiber and bobbin will look when it's all spun and plied, but I'm looking forward to it! That is perfect ESC yarn and I'm also looking forward to that. I may need one for myself soon. Enjoy your three-day week!

  4. Erika8:37 AM

    I love the colors of your sock project. I ordered some yarn for the first time from Lisa last week because I keep seeing all the beautiful socks you’ve knit!

  5. I love a short work week! As always your socks and spinning look terrific!

  6. A short work week is always good. The striped socks are very pretty. Let's hear it for someone with a little shorter foot. I'm looking forward to seeing the little chick come to life. The complimentary Spring colors are just the thing for this time of year. We had hail on Friday so it worked its way east.


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