
Monday, March 24, 2025

Deep Breath Before the Rush

Good morning and happy Monday, friends. I am bracing myself for a busy week -- commencement lists are due to me today, which means I'm in for a week of reading page after page of names that I have to ensure are in alphabetical order. It turns out that the end of last week was an excellent time to take a couple of days off before things get hectic again, and even though it wasn't a terribly exciting long weekend, it was restful, and that was much needed. Molly and I enjoyed the bonus time together, and I'm looking forward to having her around the house for one more week.

I spent most of my knitting time this weekend working on a chicken.

I call this the "spatchcocked" phase of the project.

The yarn leftover from Molly's socks turns out to be pretty perfect for knitting a bird and is working out very nicely to give some variation to the fabric without having to get too fancy with other yarns. I'll be using the lighter purple for the feathers on top of the chicken's head and yellow for the beak. I'm also going to be embroidering the eyes rather than using safety eyes, both in the interest of safety and because I think the safety eyes might look a little demonic because of the smaller scale of the project. I'm not doing anything different with the pattern other than using fingering weight yarn and size 2 needles. I'll be sure to share a photo of this when it's finished alongside my regularly sized chicken so you can get a sense of scale.

While chicken knitting has been enjoyable, there's not all that much left of it and it's not something I can do while reviewing lists of names, so I needed to cast on something fairly mindless. As it happens, today is my other sister-in-law's birthday, and I would have started these earlier had I remembered that before this weekend, but it is what it is. Unlike the SIL I just finished socks for, this one has very large feet (9.5 inches long and 9.25 inches around), so I typically stick to ankle socks for her.

The label is a little hard to read, but these are being knit out of Knit Picks Felici in the colorway Space Disco (isn't that a great name?). I'm going to knit probably a couple inches of cuff and then start the heel, and I'll do the whole foot in stockinette. I last knit her socks about this time last year, also out of Felici, and did the same thing.

I've saved the best news about the long weekend for last: Just as we were getting ready to head out the door for our haircuts on Friday, my phone pinged with an email notifying me that I'd gotten in off the waitlist to SSK! I yelled for Molly to tell her, and the poor girl thought I was yelling at her because we were running late! Needless to say, once I told her what was up, she was very excited. We've now booked flights and a place to stay (the on-site housing has been full since January, so I reserved a Vrbo that's literally across the street from the retreat center). The event begins on a Wednesday evening, but we are flying in midday on Tuesday so that we can have a bit of time for some extra sightseeing. Neither of us is really a country music fan, but one of us is a devoted Swiftie, and apparently the Country Music Hall of Fame houses the Taylor Swift Education Center, so we might have to make a visit. Personally, I'd like to go back to the Parthenon and see the inside. And I wouldn't mind another visit to Parnassus Books, either! We've still got several months to plan and prioritize, but it's so nice to have something big to look forward to.

With that, I'll sign off for now. I will see some of you online tomorrow evening at the Read With Us Zoom, and I'll be back with an update on Wednesday. In the meantime, here's a little hello from Dippy, who hopes you enjoyed the first weekend of spring!


  1. I confess to chuckling a bit at the "spatchcocked" chicken phase! I am eager to see the size difference! And congrats on getting into SSK! That will be a fun trip for you both!

  2. I'm enjoying knitting on my sock with the FDW neutral yarn but now I do wonder if I should have saved it for an ESC! That looks great and I'll be interested in seeing the size when you finish. That Felici looks like fun colors to knit with, and congratulations on getting off the wait list! It's nice to be able to combine TS, books, and knitting in a great mother-daughter trip!

  3. Oh, that will be such a fun trip and fun time for you and Molly. I'm looking forward to seeing your spatchcocked chicken once finished! The yarn for it is a great choice. And Space Disco is a fabulous name for the Felici yarn - you've got a lucky SIL!! Good luck with work - I hope it is not too overwhelming.

  4. Anonymous10:56 AM

    SSK? I can't wait to see your chicken!

  5. Oops, I accidentally posted anonymously -- time for coffee!

  6. Spatchcocked is the perfect way to describe the state of your chicken! Nashville is so fun and there are great places to eat, too. I'm really glad you moved off the wait list.

  7. Well who-hoo for getting off the wait list and into SSK. That sounds like fun. Hello back to Dippy. Felici socks are always fun to knit. I think I have two balls floating around somewhere in my stash. Hmmm

  8. I LOVE your spatchcocked chicken, Sarah. The colors are really perfect. And how exciting for you and Molly!!! It's so nice to have a trip to look forward to. (Some of my best memories of Erin's high school years are the little trips we took together.) XO

  9. Hi Dippy! That sock yarn is great for a chicken, I love how the color variations are working up. Congrats on getting into SSK! That will be such a fun trip for you two!


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