
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Let the Fun Part Begin

I have exciting news: The Big Gray Tube (tm) is no more! Yesterday I finally reached the point where I could join the body and the sleeves, and from there it was only a handful of rows until I could start the really exciting part.

The yoke is moving along nicely, partly because at this point it's so addicting that I can't put it down. You know how it is, right? You just can't wait to see how the next row will look.

I'm not doing anything ground-shattering with the pattern, I'm just using EZ's design in Knitting Without Tears. I like it a lot, though.

I have about another inch before the first of three decrease rounds. This sweater is going to see a lot of action this week, not only because I'm anxious to finish it, but also because The Mister is out of town for work again this week. That means more knitting time (because there's less dinner-cooking time, laundry-doing time, cleaning-up-after-the-husband time, etc.). I'd much rather have him around, but knitting is a reasonable substitute when necessary.

Do you mind if I take a moment to gush about said husband? This afternoon I sent him out to get some more rock salt (the lower half of our driveway has been a solid sheet of ice from the snowstorm the other day), and I decided to take advantage of having a free afternoon to make dinner for later in the week. I didn't have any white wine in the house, which I needed for the recipe, so I asked him to pick up some of that as well. This is what he came home with:

Adorable, no? I just hope it doesn't taste like wet sheep!


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    What a thoughtful hubby! My stroganoff doesn't call for wine. We'll have to trade recipes!

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Is that just Patons wool? It looks really pretty.

    Your husband is so sweet it makes me sick! Ellgh!

  3. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Obviously your knitting has been affecting him also. My knitting has rubbed off on my husband so much that he came to Stitches West with me. Maybe it's all the yarn fumes.

    The sweater is looking great. You're just speeding right along on that.

  4. The sweater looks terrific. I'm still in the big stockinette tube stage of my seamless hybrid, so thanks for giving me hope!

  5. Love that wine! Definitely gush-worthy!


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