
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More of the Same

Still Tour de Fleece, still spinning. Last night I finished my Crown Mountain Farms Jacob, which was a club shipment from earlier this year. I decided to do a quick-and-dirty spin, so this is a two-ply bulky weight and a total of 142 yards. I think this will make me a nice pair of mittens this fall.

This was my first time spinning Jacob, and I really enjoyed it, though it's very difficult for me to put into words why that is. This is a really woolly wool -- it has crimp and body to it, and it doesn't feel like hair like some of the other fibers I've spun through the club. I'd definitely like to spin some more.

The last bit of fiber left for me to spin in order to be caught up on past shipments is April's Cheviot. This one I'm spinning as a three-ply fingering weight; I started the second bobbin last night. I'm hoping to have this finished by the weekend as my last completed yarn for the Tour.

If, by chance, I do finish before Sunday, then I have something else to get started, because July's fiber club shipment arrived yesterday. This is Portuguese wool top (essentially a regional merino) in a colorway called Cascadia.

Meanwhile, lest you think I've forgotten my needles, I have been doing a little bit of knitting on the side. On Saturday, I took my Breezy Cardigan to my LYS to knit on for a bit, and as a result, I'm now almost finished with the yoke. While I was at the store, I had a little falling down in the madelinetosh section; these two skeins jumped into my bag and came home with me.

stovepipe and candlewick

I'm now knitting them up into another Peckish sample -- I think the fact that I'm so excited to knit another one of my own patterns again says a lot about how much I like it! I'm going to be knitting up a storm (as soon as the TdF is over) in order to try to get this done before the start of the Ravellenic Games next Friday.


  1. Madelinetosh has a very impertinent way of coming home with one...

  2. ooh, love the colors of your shawl. i really liked spinning jacob as well. i was surprised by how much i liked it, being a typical fiber snob. it was sort of a "back to your spinning roots" kind of experience.


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