
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Wound Up

Last night, nearly two weeks after I finished spinning all the singles, I finally finished rewinding all the skeins I spun during Spinzilla. Now I have nine storage "bobbins" of singles waiting to be plied.

I'm planning on plying with the miniSpinner, so it shouldn't take too long, but after all the natural cream, I was craving color. I'd had the most recent Bee Mice Elf shipment sitting for quite some time, and this weekend I decided the time was right to spin it up.

I'm not doing any fancy color management with this one -- I just undid the braid, found the middle, and tore it in half at that point. As soon as I hit publish on this post, I'm going to sit down and continue working on the first bobbin.

I'm really loving these colors. The finished yarn will be a two ply, probably heavy fingering to sport weight, and it should barber pole at least a bit.

Sorry, the wheel is calling to me now -- can't write anymore!

1 comment:

  1. And I am doing the complete opposite. I am knitting with natural colored yarn and combing some natural colour Romney. Apparently I am taking a break from colour… (However if I was in the Bee Mice Elf club I might feel differently.)


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