
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Again and Again

Things have gotten a little repetitive around here. I am still working on the socks and they are moving along at a good clip -- I'm nearly finished with the leg of the second one. The only other project I've been working on the last couple of days has been my Zeccola Cowl (v. 2). I'm now in my seventh repeat of the stranded pattern and the whole thing is measuring about 23 inches long.

It did seem to not be getting any longer for a bit there, but I have realized that my yarn cakes are noticeably smaller, so clearly the yarn is getting used up. I will say that the benefit of knitting this pattern again is that, while I don't have the whole pattern memorized just yet, it's become much more automatic. Every time I get into the middle of the chart, I really only need a quick glance at it to remind me what to do. I am getting through about one repeat per evening, maybe a little more, and I think I'm aiming for roughly 20 repeats total, so I'm feeling good about meeting my goal of finishing by the first week of March.

This weekend I'm hoping to put in some time on my other projects. Rainbow has no school tomorrow or Monday, which means that the two of us get a long weekend. We have big plans to toss and organize the stash, but it's also supposed to be brutally cold this weekend, so covering myself with wool seems like a totally logical plan. I'd really like to spend some time on my sweater, especially, as it's been pretty much ignored the last two weeks. It's a shame, because this is a weekend it would be great to have it to wear!

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