
Monday, August 26, 2024

Better in 2024: August

It's shocking to me that it's already the last week of August and that my kid is starting high school today, but such is life, am I right? It's the last Monday of the month, and that means it's time to check in with my One Little Word. Thanks, as always, to Carolyn for hosting the monthly link party!

Whereas in past months I've focused on one specific part or aspect of life that's been Better, this month, it really felt like a more general sentiment -- that life and my outlook on it have been generally improved since this time last month.

Obviously things are finally getting fixed on the work front. It's not done yet, but at least I know that it will be. Union ballots are now either in the hands of eligible employees or have already been mailed back, and I'm feeling hopeful for a outcome in favor of the union. Both of these things are likely to improve my daily life (and certainly the presence of a union in the past year would have helped a lot with the job classification debacle).

More broadly, the changes in the political landscape over the past month have me feeling a lot more optimistic about the state of this country and where it's headed. It's been encouraging to see the excitement and enthusiasm within the party, especially among younger people, in a way I really hadn't seen since the Obama years. I'm sure I'll still have plenty of moments of anxiety over the next several months, but, in general, I'm feeling, well, Better!

And in a very literal way, I've been feeling physically Better because we've had a roughly weeklong break from the heat and humidity, and that cooler weather has enabled me to have easier and more effective workouts. I feel better and sleep better when I get high-quality exercise, and that's a lot easier to do when I'm not struggling to breathe just because the air is so heavy and I'm not sweating so much that I feel like a puddle at the end.

I think what all of these facets of Better have in common is that they are largely out of my control, but while I can't always take an active role in making things Better, I can certainly take the time to focus on them and notice when they are.


  1. The "air" these days certainly feels more charged with optimism and hope which is a wonderful thing. We are back to the hot weather, but I know it won't be for too long!!

  2. This post!! Yes to all the better in daily life in the last 30 days! I really welcomed that break in the hot weather... it was invigorating! I know we are back at it this week, but the end is in sight! So I will savor these warm, muggy days... or at least remind myself that come January, I would welcome a warm, muggy day or two!

    I have my fingers crossed for your entry into the union! (It does make life better!!) And the joy is evident everywhere I go (and I saw lots of Chucks while out and about over the weekend!)

  3. It is lovely when things that we don't control still come together and make us realize we are (mostly) living in a better world!

  4. I'm thrilled with your work news! (And hopefully that good news keeps coming.) What a big step in the right direction. I know you haven't shared every frustrating step -- but what you HAVE shared has spoken volumes to what you've been patiently navigating.

    I was so energized by the DNC last week (maybe those endorphins were why I couldn't fall asleep til 2 or 3 am on those nights?!). I feel that upbeat 'boost' here, too. Here's to a September that echoes August....or even Better!!

  5. It's hard that so much in life is outside of our control, but it's definitely good to take notice and appreciate when things are working out for us!

  6. I have noticed a number of bloggers from the US are sounding better. Glad the weather is helping too.

    1. I think so many of us were feeling hopeless and now have a reason to be excited again!

  7. When I look back at July, it feels like hell ... it was hot, dark, and so devoid of hope and joy. August has been Better! and we're doing the work to make the rest of this year AND the next EIGHT years better, too!

    1. I should've said - the first three weeks of July - things started looking up that last week!

  8. What an astute observation about noticing what is out of our control but nevertheless making life better. Exercise is critical isn't it? I do so much better when I get in my steps.

  9. I'm glad so many things have combined to make your overall outlook Better. The weather here has been glorious and reminds me why I love summer. And the political outlook is GOOD even though I'm still afraid to get my hopes up.

  10. I am so glad for the all-around improvement! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you about the union, I hope it works! I can also imagine that it's very relieving to finally have clarity about the job - congratulations on the raise, by the way! :)
    (I hope Mo had a great first two days at High School and loves it. Go Mo!)


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