Friends, the news continues to be horrible, so I thought I would use this post as a reason to share good things. (I'm also doing it because I have a dearth of fibery content to share, so yes, it's a bit of a cop-out.)
Good Thing #1:
I successfully went for my first run since breaking my foot on Monday! I took it slow (about a 10-minute mile pace) and my foot did fine, but it's clear my legs are not used to this type of exercise. This is probably the first time that I had to stop and walk not because I needed to catch my breath but because my legs and knees were yelling at me. I've been feeling it all week, but today the aching seems to be gone, so I'll be going out to run again this morning. I also bought myself another pair of running shoes earlier this week (I got an email from Zappos about a sale on Hokas), so I am all ready to resume my regular runs, albeit perhaps not three times a week for a while yet.
Good Thing #2:
While I was out on that run on Monday, I ran into a neighbor I haven't seen in a while because I haven't been outside much in the past several months. I usually see her out with her dogs Max and Star. This time, Max wasn't with her, and though I didn't ask, I presume he has crossed the rainbow bridge (he was an elderly Westie). But this time Star was accompanied by a tiny, fluffy puppy, who looked like some sort of Doodle. He is six months old and very friendly, and his name is BAGEL!
Good Thing #3:
Speaking of dogs, if you're a fan of them and you need a little pick-me-up, take a few minutes to watch these videos of dogs' reunions with their owners. Have some tissues handy!
Good Thing #4:
Today's day is 3/14 -- which means it's Pi(e) Day! I totally forgot about it until Molly reminded me this morning, but it's a perfectly good excuse to eat some pie. You know, if you needed one.
Good Thing #5:
We have had a week of amazing weather here in Pittsburgh. It's been sunny and warmer than average -- we might even hit 80ºF today! I'm not ruling out the possibility of more snow (we've had it in April before), and there are highs in the 40s in the five-day forecast, but it sure seems like spring has arrived. Case in point: I saw crocus flowers on my way to the office yesterday:
I also spotted at least one daffodil bud in my yard, so it appears we'll have some flowers soon. If that's not a reason for celebration, I don't know what is.
I hope you've got some good things in your life right now, and if not, I hope you can at least be happy about the fact that it's almost the weekend. Enjoy it, friends!
A Good Things post is perfect for this grey morning. So good to hear that you are back to running! I managed to get a couple of walks in this week and it felt SO good. Bagel is a great name for a dog - love it!! Happy weekend and Happy Pi Day (which I had completely forgotten about).
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the Good Things! I had to chuckle at your "slow" mile pace. I haven't tried running a mile in quite a while, but I bet I would be closer to 15 minutes, more like a walk! But I'm glad you could do it and that your foot wasn't painful. I always want pie and wonder if today might call for two pieces. Justin had a friend in elementary school whose beagle was named Bagel. I hope you get to see Bagel often and have a good weekend!
ReplyDeleteYes to looking for good things. Happy Pi day. This would have been my mom’s 96th birthday and she is on my mind today. My other good things today - a Facetime call this morning and a quilt show with friends this afternoon. Great news about your running!
ReplyDeleteI am all in for a good things post! (Those dog reunions tho... yes I did need lots of tissues!) The best news though is your foot! I know that you enjoy running so this amazing, Sarah! (and a puppy named Bagel! LOL I love it!)
ReplyDeleteGood things are especially welcome these days! I'm glad you were able to run and your slow pace is doing laps around those of us sitting on the couch! Hooray for signs of spring, too. I have some crocus up and my hellebores are blooming.
ReplyDeleteIt's always a good day to share a list of good things and your list has brightened this gray, wet Sunday morning! I'm curious about the Hoka running shoes ... I'm a pretty committed ASICS girl and have been wondering about switching it up.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the list of good things. I think the best news is that you were able to go out for a little run. Yea!