Hi there! No, I have not fallen on the face of the earth, though the lack of enthusiasm about blogging continues (I think it must have something to do with the fact that I'd much rather be knitting or spinning in the evenings than sit at my computer). However, I have made significant progress on my current projects, so I thought a brief update was warranted.
First of all, I'm on to the yoke part of my Tangled Yoke Cardigan. I'm in the very boring knit-back-and-forth portion of it, before a round of decreases and the fun part (i.e., the cabling) begins. And, as usual, I'm already starting to worry about running out of yarn. I have, I think, three more complete skeins left after this one.

I'm also very close to being finished with my Waves of Grain. I have about 24 more rows until I'm done with the specified number of repeats on the second half, though I might continue for longer than that both to make the ends match up as closely as possible when grafting and to use up more yarn.

Meanwhile, on the spinning front, I have still not finished my merino/silk laceweight, though I'm getting close. I've plied about half of it; my goal is to have it completely finished by the weekend, if only so I can start spinning this:

This is the May/June spinalong fiber from
All Spun Up. I'd thought about sitting this round out, but I'm so glad I decided not to -- these are so my colors, and the fiber is superwash merino, which is, of course, my favorite fiber for sock yarn. I'll give you one guess what I plan to spin it into.
And, as I did not want this fiber to get lonely on its trip across the county, I ordered another bump of merino/silk from Kristin as well:

Tomorrow is the third Wednesday of the month, which means I'll be joining the Hurricane Knitters at the Waterworks Barnes & Noble starting at about 7 p.m. Hope to see you there if you're in the neighborhood!