
Sunday, September 25, 2011

All About the Cormo

A quick post for tonight, as it's the end of a very busy weekend and there's still a lot to be done before I can lie down and try to go to sleep.

Here's the latest spin from the Crown Mountain Farms fiber club -- September's shipment, 4 oz. of Cormo roving in a very autumnal colorway called Annunaki on Tiamat.

After much thinking, I opted to go for a barber-poling two ply on this one, and I wisely chose to spin it on my Lendrum rather than my miniSpinner. I say wisely because this fiber was extremely neppy and quite full of VM, so I had to stop frequently to remove the offenders and that was less of a pain in the you-know-what to do on the traditional wheel.

The fiber was extremely soft, so that made all the starting and stopping worth it, but it was a tad annoying to have to start and stop so much (especially as this prep isn't typical of CMF fiber). Cormo is a fine wool, though, so it's very easy to overprocess. The neppy texture made it difficult to get a truly smooth, even yarn, and that combined with the fact that this prep was roving, not top, meant that the resulting yarn is rather thick and thin.

All that said, I'm pretty happy with the finished yarn, which measures in at roughly 370.5 yards and is more or less about sportweight. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this, but I think it has to be something that will be touching sensitive skin, like my neck, because it is so delightfully soft. Cowl? Small shawl? Let the pattern search begin!


  1. Those colors are totally NOT my taste, but they are beautiful together. Another successful spin!

  2. I am losing my mind because I could have sworn that that was what you were spinning at the shop last weekend on your mini-spinner. I love the way it looks plied!

  3. I like the idea of a cowl. I adore those colours and I think a cowl will showcase them. I have an empty wheel right now so maybe this will be my next spin!

  4. I'm not a spinner, but I love looking at your yarns. I got to wondering, though - have you knit anything with one of your colorful handspuns?

  5. that's too bad about the neps--i have some morro pindrafted cormo and it's the most beautiful fiber i've ever worked with. hopefully you can find something soft and cozy for your lovely new handspun!

  6. Julia7:56 PM

    How about the yoke of an oatmeal-colored sweater? that is a really lovely colorway! I could definitely see a cowl as well, maybe with a little texture to the stitch.


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