
Thursday, August 04, 2016

On Repeat

It hasn't been a very good week for knitting for me. Work has been brutal, both physically and mentally exhausting, so while I have knit a little every day, I've been spinning rather than knitting most evenings because it requires less attention. I've been looking nervously at the calendar, however, and realizing that my self-imposed deadline to get all my pattern collection samples done is getting very close, so that means I'm going to have to pick up the pace. Luckily I seem to have been able to do that in the past day or so. Remember the start of the shawl you saw earlier in the week? I'm now just about 14 repeats away from finishing that edging strip.

Fourteen repeats might seem like a lot, but I think I got about five done last night while watching TV with the Mister and about three more done before work and during my lunch break today. I'm pretty confident that I can be done with the strip and moving on to the next part of the shawl by the weekend. I'm also toying with the idea of doing an applied edging, so there will need to be some swatching as well. And I need to find some time to finish up the pattern for the slipper socks at some point. (Gee, Sarah, weren't you hoping to have a relaxing weekend?)

Because of my self-imposed deadline and the design work that I'd really like to get done this month, I have decided not to participate in the Ravellenic Games this time around. I'll still be watching plenty of Olympics coverage on TV while I knit, but I felt like I didn't need to put any extra pressure on myself. Besides, I have less than 1,000 meters left to hit my Stash Dash goal -- and that's enough motivation!

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go spin for a bit and try to decompress from the day. Thank goodness there's only one more work day left this week!

1 comment:

  1. I feel like it's been a rough week all around. This shawl strip is looking great, I love the yarn so much, and I can't wait to see the rest of it. Wishing you a productive weekend!


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