
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

I Packed My Mojo

Greetings from Southwest Florida! We're now a few days into our vacation and enjoying every minute. The first day, the weather wasn't so great, but I've managed to get a sunburn since then and have spent many hours outdoors, including about four at the beach today. I've finished one book and am halfway through another. And my knitting mojo is strong.

I've spent the last two evenings working on my Quill, and it has grown quite a bit! I've finished the first feather and am into the second, and when I measured the body before putting it away last night, I think I only had about three inches left before the start of the armhole shaping.

The other project that's seen a good deal of attention is the socks I started on Friday. I worked on them on the flight down (while catching up on the 90% Knitting podcast) and in the car, and I've already got half a sock done.

The sock may look all sweet and innocent, but it was not so good last night when I was trying to turn the heel and start the gusset. When I finished turning the heel, I found that I had an even number of heels stitches when I should have had an odd number. I figured I'd just fudge it and add in the missing stitch, but after I was a couple of rounds into the gusset, I spotted a dropped stitch in the heel flap. So I pulled the whole sock off the needles and ripped back to the issue to fix it. On the second go-round, I seem to have picked up different numbers of stitches on each side of the heel flap, so my gusset is going to end up being a little uneven. These are for me, though, so I'm ignoring it and moving on.

I haven't yet started my shawl, but I think I will probably start it very soon -- perhaps even as soon as I publish this post!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are flying on that sweater! And, sock gussets will be in your shoes - no one but you will know!!


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