
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Massive Skein Ahead

WARNING: This post contains spoilers! If you have the Fibernymph Dye Works Holiday Countdown fiber minis set and don't want to see colors that are ahead, read no further!

I had high hopes for my spinning this weekend. I was really hoping to finish spinning all of my fiber minis singles and then ply everything, but the last couple of days turned out to be busier than I anticipated (case in point: I am typing this after 8 p.m. on Sunday, eating a late dinner because Rainbow and I went to see The Nutcracker late this afternoon and didn't get home until nearly 7). The good news is that I did finish the first part of the goal, even though I had to stay up a little late on Friday night to get the last singles done. Here they are, on two bobbins because they would not fit all on one standard bobbin:

The Lendrum bobbin on top has the last five minis, I believe, and I did end up getting all of those singles plied and get a brief start on the singles on the Akerworks bobbin yesterday evening before I had to stop so we could get to a party on time. Here's what my plying looks like so far:

I'm plying on the miniSpinner because I knew there was no way I would be able to fit the full skein on a Lendrum bobbin; I've been weighing each mini as I opened it, and when I added up the total weight, I found I had 190 grams -- that's 6.7 ounces -- of fiber spun. I'm sure it will poof up significantly once I wash it to set the twist, but right now it's plying up a fairly consistent fingering weight. Come hell or high water, this skein will be finished before we leave for our vacation!

Meanwhile, my latest shipment from the Southern Cross Fibre club showed up this week, after sitting in New York for several days (I guess it was sightseeing?). This is Caravaggio on Corriedale, which should make some lovely socks.

I'm still trying to decide if I should take a spindle and some fiber on vacation; on the one hand, it's harder to do outside in the humidity, but on the other, there is air conditioning, and having only one project would help me to focus and maybe help use up some fiber stash. Why is it that the craft packing is always the hardest packing?

1 comment:

  1. Impressive! I am intrigued by your plying idea. I just ply to a full bobbin and start anew.


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