
Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Now Departing for Sleeve Island

The best thing I can say this morning is that it's Tuesday -- i.e., it's not Monday anymore. Yesterday started off really well, but then I got a ton of work dumped on me and ended up working until 6 p.m., and that's looking like it will be the general trend for the week. I am glad that I decided to take a personal day on Friday (Rainbow is off from school for parent/teacher conferences and asked me to spend the day with her), even though it will mean more work to make up for it.

Because this year is all about balance for me, I made a point to round out a stressful day yesterday with some pleasure. After putting Rainbow to bed, I put on the most recent episode of the newest Masterpiece production, Atlantic Crossing (it's really good -- but be aware that it has a lot of subtitles!), and pulled out my Aldous. Last night I officially finished the body:

I thought about picking up for the first sleeve before bed, but in the end I decided that probably wasn't the smartest thing after a long and stressful day, so I wove in a few ends instead. Tonight I'll get started on that sleeve. It would be great to get them both done by the end of the month, for no other reason than it's an arbitrary deadline -- although, if you can believe it, we are expecting snow here tomorrow! It's possible that if I finish this sweater soon there might be a chance to wear it once or twice before it's packed up for the fall, but really I'd just like to get it off the needles so I can start something new.

I'll be back tomorrow with an update on my reading life. Here's hoping Tuesday treats us better than Monday!


  1. Sorry for the stressful day (week?) but isn’t it great that our knitting can step in and take us away for a recharge? I have wondered about Atlantic Crossing. I do have one project that is on the round and round part so that might work for a show with subtitles.

  2. So sorry about the piles of work and long days, but your Aldous is looking great. May your trip to Sleeve Island be wonderful (maybe with beautiful weather and the beverage of your choice)!

  3. It's snowing here now, so not surprised it's heading your way. (It's cold, but the snow is not sticking. So there is that.) Love your sweater! :-)

  4. I didn’t realize that Atlantic Crossing had started - darn!! I’ll have to see if I can catch up with it. Maybe I’ll just bite the bullet and get Passport!!

    I’m sorry to hear that your work life is going to be a difficult one this week and am happy to hear that you’re focusing on balance by treating yourself to some special time in the evening and making sure you get time off at the end of the week. And your sweater is looking great!!

  5. Your sweater does look so pretty Sarah! And yay for a day off after a stressful and long week. At my work we are entering budget season (preparing budgets for the FY 2022 which will run Oct 21-Sept 22) which is always stressful, busy and LONG days. And, meetings in person - YIKES! We've been enjoying Atlantic Crossing - very well done.

  6. oh ugh, a stressful Monday is the pitts! and I'm so glad to see Aldous ready for sleeves!! (of course I'm a little behind - and by now we all know that Tuesday brought some amazing news from Minneapolis and I'm still feeling the relief of that.)

  7. The sweater is looking good. Monday is not a good day for extra work. I am glad you have Friday in the offing.

  8. It looks so good! I really love the colour. If you read this, it's probably late Thursday or maybe already Friday, so you will have the day off! I hope the rest of the week was more manageable, honestly.


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