
Friday, April 16, 2021

Plan for the Worst, Hope for the Best

Well friends, tomorrow is the day: I'm scheduled for vaccination #2 at 3 tomorrow afternoon. At least part of my wardrobe is sorted:

I have been looking forward to this day because getting past it means being able to be with more friends and family safely, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about side effects. Pretty much everyone I know who is fully vaccinated has had some reaction, but they've ranged from things as mild as feeling tired or having a slight headache to being down for the count for several days. I'm really hoping for the former, obviously, though we've planned it so that if we're not feeling well, we'll be able to take it easy. Rainbow is going to sleep over at my parents' on Saturday night and likely hang out there for most of the day on Sunday. We'll try to get as many of the weekend chores and errands done tomorrow morning. And I might even make a batch of matzah ball soup tomorrow so we'll have some "Jewish penicillin" on hand should we need it!

I am still planning a spinning post on Sunday, though I may write it ahead of time and schedule it to post automatically just in case. With any luck, I'll be feeling just a little tired on Sunday and will just have to have a quiet day of knitting.

I hope all you, my blog friends, have a lovely weekend. Here's to more shots in arms and better days ahead for all of us!


  1. I hope you have a mild reaction but it is good to be ready for what may come.

  2. Sending all the mild side effect wishes your way. I won't lie; my second Moderna shot kicked my butt, but it was only for 24 hours and it was well worth it. Hope it's a good weekend!

  3. Sarah - I hope you're doing well after your second shot and managed to have some Jewish penicillin read to go, regardless of how you're feeling!! I also hope you were able to have a quiet night at home, child-free! You wild woman!!

  4. I know you are already vaccainted by now (thanks for telling me!!), but I just wanted to say, I am so, so relieved that you got the jabs and are safe now. It's so good to read about everyone from the US and UK getting their shots, it's less and less people to be worried about. Congratulations! :) (sorry if this is cheesy ;) )


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