
Friday, December 03, 2021

Oh, Bother

Over the years, I've gotten used to December being a crazy month. Yesterday, though, it became a different kind of crazy. Shortly before 10 a.m., while I was out on my walk, I got a call from Rainbow's school. I immediately knew something was wrong -- they never call in the middle of the day for a good reason. When I answered, I got a recording telling me to check my email for "an important communication," which turned out to be a notification that they entire sixth grade had been exposed to someone who had tested positive for COVID and had to immediately go into quarantine. So I had to run home to pick her up, and she will be home until the 13th. Even though remote instruction isn't an option for her school this year, they're going to do it next week because the entire grade is affected. We're going to get PCR tests this morning, though she isn't experiencing any symptoms. The kicker here is that she was supposed to get her second vaccine shot tomorrow, but we'll have to put that off.

Edit: As of Saturday morning, we've received our results -- both negative! And the school has scheduled a vaccine clinic at the school for the girls missing their second shot this weekend. It's unfortunately on Rainbow's birthday (12/15), but it can't be helped!

On a happier note, she opened up her doubled hat last night and was delighted with it! Now we can be matchy-matchy!

We will get test results back in 24-48 hours, so that means we're in for a quiet weekend at home -- and I have zero complaints about that! Rainbow suggested that we finally get to sewing the tote bags we bought supplies for over the summer, and I think that sounds like an excellent plan. Here's hoping your weekend is good and significantly less dramatic!


  1. Oh my goodness - I'm wishing you all the best with the test! It's all so disruptive, isn't it? But I'm glad you have a fun activity lined up for the quiet weekend AND she looks over the moon with that hat! Here's to a cozy time at home and have fun sewing!!

  2. I think your "Oh, bother" is a bit milder than I might have uttered! I know these things happen, but I hope Rainbow remains symptom-free and negative. I'm glad for the remote instruction and the quiet weekend at home, but I hope Rainbow can get her second shot sooner rather than later. She looks very happy with her hat and that is a good thing!

  3. Oh bother and some more. I hope Rainbow tests negative and can get that second shot sooner rather than later. Enjoy your quiet weekend at home. Honestly, this Covid stuff is getting old.

  4. Your situation is not unique but that doesn't make it less bothersome! I hope all tests are negative and she can get her 2nd vaccine very soon!

  5. phew! and I just love that smiling face modeling the hat ... matchy-matchy photo coming soon?!

  6. The hat looks great on her and how great can have her second shot, too!

  7. Oh my God, I am so so sorry for that scare! Holy moly ... I'm glad that both test results were negative and that Rainbow is fine! I hoe side effects for her second shot will be mild, fingers are crossed!!

  8. Isn't that a horrible feeling, when those unexpected calls come in?! SO glad all is well so far--and what a great picture. Elation. Can't wait to see your totes :)

  9. Oh my. I am so sorry about all the angst about Rainbow's class. Those kinds of scares are just no fun... ever.

    Her smiling face in her gorgeous hat is priceless though! :)


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