
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Unraveled, Week 50/2021

Week 50?! Unbelievably, we have only two more Wednesdays left in this year, which is totally bonkers to me. But having posted every Wednesday so far this year, I know it's the truth. This week, though, is a pretty special Wednesday. Why? Well, it's my last workday of the year, for one, but it's all this kid's 12th birthday:

It feels like just yesterday that I woke up on that day in 2009 -- my due date! -- uncomfortable and upset that she hadn't arrived yet. Little did I know that by dinnertime that night, I'd be holding a tiny person! She has grown into a caring, thoughtful, hardworking young woman, and I'm so thankful I get to be her mom. We've got a pretty low-key day planned (she's still in school and actually has a test today, which she is not pleased about), but she got French toast for breakfast and will be having spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread for dinner. We told her we'd take her to Florida for her birthday. ;-)

Knitting has been almost nonexistent this week; aside from the fact that I'm trying to finish up my combo spin singles before we leave for our trip, I've been super busy with work because everyone is trying to fit things in before we shut down for the holidays. That's had an impact on my reading, too, though I did finally manage to finish a book that's been sitting on my nightstand for months:

I think I'm probably the last Louise Penny fan to finish The Madness of Crowds, but I'm honestly glad I savored this one because now that I'm caught up with the series, I'll have to try to be patient while I wait for the next installment. I enjoyed this one, even though having finished it I'm still not sure if I understand who the murderer was or how the case resolved, but I think at this point I'm less invested in the crimes in the series than I am in the characters and their development. This book is set in an imaginary post-pandemic world, one where the virus has been completely eliminated by the vaccine (how I wish it were reality), but one where the value of all human lives is being questioned, and that felt very timely to me. I gave it 4 stars.

I am currently reading A Gentleman in Moscow, which has been on my TBR list for quite some time. I'm finding it a little hard to get into, but I don't know if it has a slow start or if it's just the fact that I've only been able to read it for short periods at a time. I also just got a notification from the library that The Guide is ready for me, and I'm thinking about which physical books will be packed for our trip. Once today is over and vacation starts, I'm sure my reading pace will pick up again.

Thanks to Kat, as always, for hosting our weekly Unraveled Wednesday link-up! I'm looking forward to hearing about what you're making and reading this week!


  1. Your twelve-year-old does look a bit older and I hope she has a terrific day (despite the test)! Somehow I was imagining three Wednesdays left in this year, but I'm glad you snapped me back into reality. I hope your last workday of 2021 goes smoothly and you can pack your knitting and books somewhat leisurely.

  2. Happy Vacation (a few hours early) and Happy Birthday Rainbow!!

    You are not the last to read "The Madness of Crowds" as I am still on the wait list (I think I'm number 35 or something like that!!). I had not heard about "The Guide," but that sounds like a good read. I did love "A Gentleman in Moscow" and am looking forward to "The Lincoln Highway."

  3. Happy Birthday to Rainbow! That was such a happy picture to greet your readers this morning!!!

    I'll be curious to hear more as you progress with Towles. Isn't it incredible how different Moscow and Highway are?? Moscow was interesting, and unique, and smart, and ...SLOW for me! And most readers I know either LOVED it--or didn't finish. On the flip side, Highway hooked me at the start and it seemed like every time I looked up, another 30 pages of the story had passed.

    I'm reading Harlem Shuffle right now, and I hate to say that while I don't dislike it, I don't find myself picking it up to fill any extra minutes I have. I've read almost all of Katherine May's Wintering in 3 sittings and have to force myself to slow down; conversely, I'm on page 60 of Harlem and have to remind myself to pick it up! Maybe I should have gone with audio...

    Happy vacation time to you!!

  4. Happy Birthday to your Rainbow! I loved A Gentleman in Moscow but when Dale read it he struggled to get into it.

  5. I also struggled with A Gentleman in Moscow, but I thoroughly enjoyed the story. I think part of it was because I was reading in short stints at night when I was possibly drifting. It did take me a little more effort than usual, but I did enjoy it.

    1. I have also been reading it mainly at night before bed, which I think is part of the problem. But now that work is done, I'm going to be reading it more during the day, so maybe being more awake will be the trick.

  6. I am also on the list for The Madness of Crowds. I enjoyed A Gentleman in Moscow but maybe I listened to the audio? Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter. She looks like a wonderful young woman. I hope her birthday was wonderful, in spite of a test.

  7. Happy, happy birthday to your wonderful Rainbow! I adored A Gentleman in Moscow, but I do remember it taking a while before it started clicking for me. I have a feeling it will do so for you, as well . . . once you have the time and attention to stick with it for awhile. (Like . . . once you've arrived in Florida and don't need to worry about work or vacation prep!) XO

  8. happy sigh ... LOVE LOVE LOVE that TWELVE year old smile at the top of this post!! I hope your last day of work was all good and you're starting to wind down into that vacation frame of mind. I haven't yet read Madness of Crowds, but Gentleman in Moscow is an all-time favorite. I read with my ears the first time and with my eyes the second. I enjoyed both, but the eyes experience is the one that really cemented this one on my favorites shelf. (and that second read with my eyes was the last vacation Marc and I took - to Cabo in February 2018 ... maybe there is something magical about sitting by a pool and reading about a Russian aristocrat imprisoned in a hotel in Moscow?)

  9. Your daughter has the happiest smile …. Belated happy birthday to her. Both of your books sound interesting and ones I may have to check out and read. Enjoy your day 😊

  10. Happy belated birthday to Rainbow! I love her sweatshirt!!

    Enjoy your time away!


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