
Monday, April 11, 2022

The Weekend I Needed

Happy Monday, friends! I'll admit I was not terribly happy when my alarm went off this morning, but right now the sun is shining and I'm coming off an enjoyable weekend, so I'm trying to put a positive spin on it.

Last weekend, if you remember, I had big plans for getting the house back in order after our trip, but obviously that didn't happen, so my plans were pushed back to this past weekend. The weather cooperated a bit  -- it was cold and damp, and we even had some snow and some wintery mix, so it was a good weekend to be inside. I cleaned all three bathrooms that get regular use, did laundry, paid some bills, and did some shopping for needed items. And I did some knitting, too, of course. Take a look at this!

Barring any work emergencies, I should have a finished first sleeve today! I finally sat down and did all the math to figure out how many stitches to pick up, how many I needed decrease, and how often I needed to decrease on Friday, and I made fast work of it. I would be pretty amazing if I could knit up the second sleeve before Thursday, which would mean that I'd knit this sweater in less than four weeks. That might be a bit ambitious, but I think it's an achievable goal. Of course, it figures that the weather is supposed to get warm again right around when I should be finishing this, but I can't say I didn't expect that.

I also finished up Rainbow's socks yesterday afternoon:

If they look a little wonky, it's because she put them on as soon as I showed her they were finished; I don't necessarily believe that socks have to be blocked, but I usually like to wash them after I finish them to get everything to even out and settle down. I'd say they're a success if she didn't give me the opportunity to do that because she was too excited to wear them! These use my SOHCAHTOA heel pattern, as requested by the recipient; she says they fit her heel perfectly.

I hope your Monday is off to a good start. See you back here on Wednesday!


  1. Your sweater is just flying at warp speed, Sarah! Wow! It looks so great on you :)

    And I love those wavy stripes on Rainbow's socks.

    Happy Monday to you!

  2. You are flying on that sweater and the socks look like a success! We're supposed to have warm weather in the 70s for a couple of days but then settle back to seasonal temps later in the week. You might still get a chance to wear May(be) Queen!

  3. It must feel great to have your house clean and ship shape once again. I'm loving the sweater and those socks are so springy!

  4. Can't wait to see that sweater on you!

  5. Such pretty socks! Can't wait to see your finished jumper,

  6. That is the Fastest Sweater Ever, Sarah! (I do hope you won't need to wear it until next fall, though.) (I also realize if there was ever a year to finish a wool sweater in April, it'd be this one.) Those socks are awesome! XO

  7. Those socks are so sweet! And your sleeve! Wonderful :)

    You're going to be wearing your (own) May(be) Queen in no time!!

  8. The socks look very fun and sound like a resounding success. The sweater looks great. I love that pumpkin color. (or at least it looks pumpkin colored on my monitor)

  9. Your sweater is looking great - and yay! for a finished pair of socks. also for a sunny Monday and a weekend that was just what you needed.


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