
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Best-Laid Plans

I've been meaning to write this (or any, really) blog post for quite a few days. First I meant to write it over the weekend, but partying with my now-legally-able-to-drink brother and entertaining my aunt got in the way. Then I meant to blog last night, but some sort of stomach bug sent me home early from work and directly into bed. So this post is, by necessity, a bit of a catch up. I hope you'll forgive the bullet-point style; I promise to get back to my verbose self in the next post.

Just what have I been up to since last we talked? Well, I finished a quick-and-easy pair of baby socks:

(The usual pattern, using the leftovers from these socks, on size 1/2.25 mm dpns.)

Then, I started some very plain socks for my father (long-term planning) in what may very well be the oldest sock yarn in my stash.

Here's sock #1 done; sock #2 is part way through the foot and should be completed in the next day or so.

I'm still plodding slowly through the mystery shawl, which has grown to the point where it's taking me 20-30 minutes to knit a round; needless to say, it will not be finished any time soon.

I'm almost halfway through clue 4, and then clue 5, the edging, will be very long and tedious. (It's knitted on perpendicularly, so the number of rows will be twice the number of stitches I have in each round right now. I don't even want to think about how many rows that is.)

I've also been trying to spin at least a little every day, and I'm halfway through the Dragonfibers BFL. Here's the second half, ready to be fluffed and then spun:

Finally, I signed up for the 2008 Ravelympics. I'm going to attempt to knit the Shetland Triangle (Rav link) with this handspun. I think that's doable, considering last summer's lace knitting, but I'd really like to be done with the mystery shawl before I cast on another, so maybe this will be the kick in the pants I need to get moving on that particular WIP.

What about you? Are you signed up for the Ravelympics? What is your challenge?


  1. Ooooh - I ordered Wrap Style from Interweave's "hurt" book sale just for the Shetland Triangle pattern and am planning to start on it in some Smooshy once the book gets here. I can't wait to see your version in handspun!

  2. I thought about signing up for the Ravelympics but that's too much of a commitment. I haven't signed up for any -alongs lately because I don't want to feel like I have to do something, you know?

  3. Hey, you're supposed to show the bobbin with the single, not the fluff!!! :) But I love the colors, so I can't wait to see it spun up! I'm amazed at how much you are getting done!

  4. As a new-ish knitter I am amazed that socks are "quick". And that fluffy stuff waiting to be spun is beautiful! In fact, I'm amazed all around. You make me feel like Luke Skywalker just learning how to handle his lightsaber.

  5. I'm at my KAL quota with the Tour de France KAL and the Summer of Socks. Of course, now I'll be wishing I signed up for the Ravelympics. Oh well. You'll have plenty of fun without me! :)


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