
Thursday, April 04, 2019

Edge of Completion

After working on my Floozy cardigan for almost six months, off and on, I am so close to finishing I can taste it. The first button band is done -- I even wove in my ends. That took longer than I expected, so all I got done on the second band was picking up my stitches and knitting one row. But tonight it's all about that band.

This band is the one that will have the buttons on it, so in theory it should be faster to knit because I won't have to stop to figure out buttonhole placement. But it is all 1x1 rib on size 1 needles, so it's not exactly fast knitting. I am determined, however, and I'll get as much done as I possibly can. If I have to wait to finish on Friday, so be it.

We've got a relatively relaxing weekend ahead with fairly good weather predicted, so I'm looking forward to catching up on some sleep and spending time outside. Hope your weekend is full of good things!


  1. oh I love that up-close shot of the colorwork. you're so close to finishing ... cheering you on (and now with a mixed wish that you'll be able to wear it ... and that you'll happily set it aside til next fall :-)

  2. So close to what will be a spectacular finish! Wishing you a great weekend!

  3. Go you! (and I think I saw on Twitter that you finished?)

    Have a great weekend!


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