
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Unraveled, Week 25/2024

It's Wednesday, and it's still beastly hot, so let's get on with linking up with Kat and the Unravelers!

I'm actually off today for Juneteenth, though my routine isn't going to be much different from the usual other than staying off my work computer. I still got up at the normal time, and day off from work means I can go for my run a little earlier, before it gets dangerously hot. And I will have some extra crafting time today! I am almost to the crown decreases on my Bousta Beanie:

I'm really enjoying the rainbow, and though I'll have to weigh my leftovers when I'm done, it's possible I might have enough yarn to knit another with the colors reversed.

I've also been giving some attention to Benny on my wheel:

I had to sit through an hourlong presentation on Zoom for work on Monday afternoon that was interesting but ultimately useless for me, but it at least gave me some dedicated spinning time. I think I'm almost halfway done with these singles, and I'm starting to get really excited about plying. Ideally I'd like to have the yarn done by the end of the month, but we'll see what happens.

I've done a lot of reading in the past week, though most of it has been in my Big Book, so I've only finished one book.

Piglet is a relatively new release (it came out in February), and I'd heard a fair amount of buzz about it, so when it was a Kindle deal a couple weeks ago, I decided to give it a try. The titular character seems to have the perfect life -- a job she loves, a fiancĂ© who adores her, a new house -- but there seems to be something missing. And then her fiancĂ© reveals something that threatens to undo everything. This book has a lot to say about food and women's bodies and our expectations about them. It also addresses Piglet's struggle with what she believes she should want and what she actually wants out of her life. I really enjoyed the writing in this book and the descriptions of food and cooking (don't read it when hungry!). I think this is a novel that would be great to discuss in a group, too. I gave it 4 stars.

I am nearly finished listening to Anne of Avonlea, which I started over the weekend when I wanted something easy and enjoyable. Today I hope to start Enter Ghost, which I'd been waiting for from the library for a long time and finally got yesterday.

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. The colors in your hat certainly go with the sizzling heat, and I'm looking forward to seeing how lovely that handspun looks when you ply it. I've put Piglet on hold; reading is a good thing when it's beastly hot.

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Love your hat Sarah - so pretty. Piglet looks/sounds good to me...I'm going to see if my library has it.

  3. You've fully intrigued me with Piglet! Thank you for that. Sounds like a good summer read for me.
    I love the idea of reversing the colors and making another...anything with rainbow and block, POP.
    Enjoy your mid-week break!

  4. Your bousta beanie is just flying along! And I agree with Bonny... that is one sizzling hot hat! :) It will be sure to keep a head extra warm this winter!

  5. Oh that blue you're spinning! and I keep hearing only good things about Piglet (especially from daughter Katie), and I'm still not ready to pick it up ... I did, however, read the latest and final Maisie Dobbs in 24 hours this week and it was lovely.

  6. Bousta beanie makes me smile every time I see it!

  7. Oooh look at that blue single. I love blue. While traveling, I knit on a sock. I read a light - happy ending book, The Memory of Lavender and Sage. Most nights I was asleep before very many pages.


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