
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Should Call Them My Debt Monkeys

Knit with the last of my non-sock club STR, these were completed shortly after I became a homeowner and acquired a massive amount of debt.

Pattern: Monkey by Cookie A. (winter '06 Knitty)
Yarn: Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks That Rock lightweight (100% superwash merino), colorway Stormy Weather, one skein
Needles: two 12" US 1 (2.5 mm) Addi Turbo circs
Started/Completed: June 5/June 15
Mods: my usual -- no purls and a slip-stitch heel flap -- and an accidental oopsie in the placement of the gusset decrease stitches that resulted from not having the pattern in front of me

I bought this yarn with a BMFA gift certificate that came as part of my final package from my Sockret Pal spoiler, Becky. I originally intended it for a pair of socks for The Mister, but I soon realized that the pooling would be way too busy for his taste, even if the colorway was squarely in his usual range of preferences.

Speaking of pooling, I'm quite pleased with how well the striping/spiraling worked out on these socks. They make me think of the old black-and-white jail uniforms, hence the moniker "Jailbird Monkeys" on my Ravelry projects page.

In a moment of almost-guilt for using yarn that was intended for The Mister, I cast on a pair of plain socks for him as soon as these were done. They're black and gray and extremely boring, but at least they'll knit up quickly.

* * * * *

Thank you all for your congratulations on the new house! I promise I will post some pictures eventually, once we're all moved and settled in. We've having a bunch of work done this week (new electrical service, some plumbing, new carpet, etc.), and the furniture and boxes arrive on Friday, so I'm hoping that by the end of the weekend we'll be reasonably unpacked and back to normal.

Finally, a reminder -- tomorrow is the third Wednesday of the month, so the Hurricane Knitters will be meeting starting at about 7 p.m. at the Waterworks Barnes & Noble. We'd love to see some new faces, so stop by if you can make it!


  1. Can you bring those tomorrow? I'd like to see the colorway in person :)

    At least a mortgage is "good debt." Things could be a lot worse. See you tomorrow!

  2. I'm with Amy, mortgage debt is definitely good debt. The very thought of moving and having all that work done before move in makes me want to look for a paper bag to breathe into. We could never afford movers and always had to do everything ourselves, which always added to the excitement!

  3. It's good debt, really. :) I felt so glad to throw that money into a pit with an actual bottom instead of the bottomless one that is renting! We bought, fixed up, and sold our first place and it really helped us out financially. So I am happy to have a mortgage!

    Lovely knitting content as always. :)

  4. Anonymous4:58 AM

    That's a great name for your socks -- jailbird monkeys... too cute!

    Just wait until you get to write off all that interest money on taxes ... then you'll be glad for your new debt. I'm so excited for you!

  5. It is a scary amount of debt, but it's worth the excitement of owning your own house! And don't worry, after about a year, you won't even notice anymore! :)

    Looking forward to seeing you guys for a bit tonight!

  6. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Congratulations indeed! How exciting! A new house! I can't wait to see your pictures.

  7. No, your *house* is your debt monkey...

    Great job on the socks! I had to ditch the ones I'd casted on right after yours due to blechy colorway issues. But another may be waiting in the wings!

  8. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Mortgage debt is good debt and at least you got into it after it was less of a pyramid scheme for real estate and more for actually purchasing a home for yourself.

    The Jailhouse Monkey's look good!


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