Yarn: SWTC TOFUtsies (50% superwash wool, 25% soysilk, 22.5% cotton, 2.5% chitin), colorway 733/Get Your Feet Wet, one skein
Needles: two 12" US 1 (2.5 mm) Addi Turbo circs
Started/Completed: May 27/June 5
Mods: corrected an error in the heel turn and subbed my usual toe
I'm not sure this was the best yarn for the pattern; the colorway is just busy enough to obscure the stitch pattern. But I didn't want to do a boring old stockinette sock, so I guess this will have to do. If I knit this pattern again, I'll definitely do it in a solid yarn.

I have mixed feelings about this yarn. On the one hand, I love how the knitted fabric feels on -- light and silky. On the other hand, it can be a pain to work with because the twist in the ply doesn't stay put, if that makes any sense. I was also going to take a picture of the huge knot that I had to cut out of the skein, but it seems to have run away from me. From what I've heard, that seems to be a not uncommon experience.
So, these won't be my favorite socks in the world, but I like them just fine. I started another pair last night at the baseball game. Can you guess what they are?
I'll tell you what's great about TOFUtsies socks - they are much lighter weight than regular wool socks. You can wear them on a springy day without your feet roasting. They definitely weren't my favorite socks to knit, but they do fill that seasonal gap when it is too hot for the woolies but too cool for the flip flops. i
ReplyDeleteI know just what you mean about the splitty nature of the yarn. The pair I made are one of my husbands favorites though. So I will make mroe. :)
ReplyDeleteI think that the Tofutsies I have is this colorway, at least now I know what it will look like when it's knit. I think it'll just be plain socks!
ReplyDeleteLet me guess, you started more Jaywalkers?
I've heard both things about that yarn. I still can't get my head around the fact that there's crab shells in it, though! ;)
ReplyDeleteOh, let's take a wild guess - could they be Jaywalkers? ;)
I've never had the desire to knit with that yarn although it does like quite pretty. You can most definitely see the stitch pattern in the first photo. Looks great!
ReplyDeleteBut...I do like the pattern CHARADE. It is on my list to knit! From the picture the socks look lovely!