Having a newborn around doesn't leave much time for anything other than feeding, sleeping, and changing diapers, but as Rainbow has gotten a little older and we've settled into more of a regular schedule, I've been able to sneak in a little more fibery time on a daily basis. I haven't felt much of an urge to knit, but, as I mentioned in my
last post, I was feeling a strong yen for my wheel. I know that this year I won't be able to churn out as much handspun as I did last year, but I'm at least determined to spin the four ounces each month that come from
Crown Mountain Farms as part of the 2010 fiber club.
January's shipment was Falkland top, a fiber
I had just spun for the last All Spun Up spinalong. This time I decided to go for a chain-plied fingering weight -- chain plying to preserve the colors, because I worried that regular plying might muddy up the colors. In the end, I wound up with approximately 344 yards, which is pretty respectable in my book given my time away from spinning. And it only took me one day into February to finish plying.

I used my usual tight plying twist, which caused the skein to kink up up a little right off the wheel, but a good wash-and-whack caused it to relax nicely. I'm quite happy with this one, but I'm not sure what I'll do with it yet.
Up next: Finn top in shades of purple-y blue and hot pink. I'm doing a thicker two ply, so it should be done well before the end of the month, provided the baby continues to cooperate.