
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Little Loopy

There's no end to the baby knits here chez Knit/Wit. The most recent used up the July shipment from the Rockin' Sock Club, which was a bit too bright for my feet:

While I didn't want this for socks for me, I thought the colors would be perfect for a bright and cheerful sweater for Rainbow -- specifically for her going-home-from-the-hospital outfit.

Pattern: Baby Surprise Jacket by Elizabeth Zimmermann
Yarn: Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks That Rock Lightweight (100% superwash merino), colorway Garden Daze, one skein
Needles: US 5 (3.75 mm) Knit Picks Options
Started/Completed: October 2/October 10
Mods: omitted the buttonholes and edged the sweater in applied i-cord, including button loops

I love the look of applied i-cord around this sweater, and for this version of the BSJ, I decided to use it to my advantage. I've never been a huge fan of the buttonholes in the sweater as written (mostly because I'm never completely sure which side they should be on), so I used the i-cord to create button loops near the top of the sweater. The buttons came from my big bag of mixed buttons; they're a simple black plastic, nothing fancy.

As you can tell from the photo of the yarn above, the colors are way off in the shots of the sweater. In real life, it's shades of pink, green, and yellow.

I've now knit this pattern more than half a dozen times, yet I still find it enjoyable and I still need the directions. I'm also convinced that I interpret the directions slightly differently every time, but it always seems to come out okay, so I have a feeling that this is not the last BSJ to come off my needles. I'm looking forward to seeing Rainbow in this little jacket in December!


  1. Oh, and I forgot to say I like that applied I-cord and use of button loops. It lends a new look to it. I like it!

  2. It'll be Rainbow and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat! Er, Baby Surprise Jacket! :)

  3. It turned out so so cute!! Love the i-cord button loops too, it really smartens it up doesnt it.

  4. I love your button modification! If I ever do get around to making a BSJ, I'll have to steal your idea. :)

  5. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Love it! Gives me ideas on what to use the couple of skeins of STR that I have that are too bright/not right for socks. :) I just made a pair of the Saarjte's bootees with leftover STR and they came out so cute. Love that STR is so versatile.

  6. I love the BSJ but what I really love is how you put i-cord around the neck and front! Adorable!

  7. I need to knit a BSJ. Haven't done one yet! Love the applied I-cord. I'm a huge fan of that technique!

  8. Adorable!!She will certainly be the best dressed baby leaving that hospital!!


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