
Thursday, July 04, 2013

Freedom to Spin

We're now on day six of the Tour de Fleece, and while I haven't been able to spin as much as I'd like, I've been making considerable progress. Today, however, is the first day of a four-day weekend for me, so I'm hoping that by the time I have to go back to work, I'll have some actual yarn to show for all this time off.

I've been spindling during my lunch break every day this week and took the spindle to my knit night last night as well. As a result, I finished my first 1 oz. sock batt -- and, what's more, I managed to get all the singles in one cop, without having to wind off.

I was really hoping I'd be able to get everything on at once but wasn't sure it would happen. Now I know it's possible. I did wind off these singles when I got home onto a very "high-tech" storage bobbin:

The plan is to spin all six batts and then ply for two skeins of three-ply sock yarn.

Meanwhile, I finally finished up all 8 oz. of singles of the merino/seacell on the miniSpinner:

These will sit for a day or so to rest and then will be plied together for what I hope will be a pretty substantial skein. While I'm waiting for that step, I'm turning my attention back to my Lendrum and my Crown Mountain Farms superwash merino:

I'd like to finish up this first bobbin today, if I can. It's a nice change to be treadling after doing all the work with my hands and arms with the miniSpinner and the spindle!

To those of you in the States, I wish you a very happy Independence Day! To everyone else, happy Thursday! I hope it's a good day wherever you are.

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